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美国何时彻底摆脱疫情?比尔盖茨:明年秋天 点赞中国 (中英) 《多维新闻》April 9, 2020 4月7日,比尔·盖茨接受了美国公共电视网(PBS)的采访。他在采访中表示,美国直到2021年秋天才可以摆脱新冠肺炎疫情,“彻底安全”。 比尔·盖茨称,要等广泛接种疫苗后才能恢复后生活能回归正常。而据研究人员说,疫苗研发和部署还需要一年多的时间。 他在采访中还为中国的防疫措施“点赞”。他表示,在彻底安全前,要严格保持社交距离,对与感染者密切接触的人进行密切监测,这方面的典范是中国,民众戴口罩、量体温,陆续复工、暂停所有体育赛事等等,没有大幅反弹的情况。“我们需要向其他国家学习”比尔·盖茨说。 当地时间3月24日,比尔·盖茨做客TED Connects节目时称,美国在隔离措施方面有些地区做得很好,但有些地区还差的很远。隔离措施无论对于个人还是对于经济都是一个艰巨的挑战。但越早采取严格的隔离措施,就能越早解除隔离并恢复正常。 目前,全球累计确诊超151万例。截至北京时间4月9日上午8时,美国累计确诊病例逾43万,达430376例,累计死亡达1.46万例。目前,美国是全球累计确诊病例数最多的国家,疫情“震中”的纽约州累计确诊达14.9万。 4/7/2020 Bill Gates Tuesday interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS Newshour.; It might not be until fall 2021 that Americans "can be completely safe" from COVID-19, Bill Gates said in a Tuesday interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS Newshour. That's because it will take more than a year before a vaccine can be developed and deployed, according to researchers working to develop a treatment for COVID-19. “The vaccine is critical, because, until you have that, things aren’t really going to be normal,” the billionaire philanthropist told Woodruff. “They can open up to some degree, but the risk of a rebound will be there until we have very broad vaccination.” Social distancing is helping to lower the number of COVID-19 cases. The goal, Gates explained, is to get that number down to a point where “contact tracing” (a process in which those within close contact with an infected person are closely monitored) can be done, in order to maintain necessary quarantines. To understand what life in the U.S. will look like six to 12 months from now, Gates suggested China as a good model. “They are sending people back to work, but they’re wearing masks. They’re checking temperatures. They’re not doing large sporting events. And so they have been able to avoid a large rebound,” he said. One possibility is that gatherings will be permitted, depending on the ages of the people involved. “So having a classroom with 30 young people in it may be just fine, because their role in transmitting the disease, we will understand in the next month or so. It may be so limited that you’re far more liberal with young people getting together than you would be with a general-age audience,” Gates said. Still, he stressed that larger public gatherings “may not resume until broad vaccination has taken place.” Beyond that, “returning to some semblance of normal,” as Woodruff put it, can be predicted by watching the behaviors of other countries. Sweden, for example, isn’t “locking down quite as much,” so their experience will be informative, Gates explained. Gates has been partnering with The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a global health research center at the University of Washington, to further understand “which policies in which countries seem to be working.”