道之以政 道之以政,齊之以刑,民免而無恥;道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格。 -- 《論語 · 為政》 If the people are restrained by edicts only, and uniformity is sought by punishments, they can keep out of troubles, but they are not ashamed of crimes. If they are led by role models in morality, and harmony is achieved by the rules of propriety, the people will have the sense of shame and will become law-abiding happily. 《The Analects · On Administration》 有国有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。盖均无贫,和无寡,安无倾。 -- 《论语. 季氏》 The emperor and princes do not worry about rarity but unfair distribution of wealth; do not worry about poverty but unrest of society. When wealth is fairly apportioned, people won’t feel the poverty; when all in harmony, people don’t feel the scarcity. When the country is in peace and stability,she won’t be overcome. -- 《The Analects. Biography of Ji Clan》 (原载《海外南开人》92期,04/19/2015) |
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