Join Us for Breakfast and Lunch! School is out and free summer meals are in from June 27th to August 30, 2013. That's right; any child 18 years of age and under can enjoy a free healthy and great tasting breakfast and lunch at hundreds of schools, pools, parks, New York City Housing Authority complexes and other locations around the city. No registration, documentation, or ID is required. Finding a summer meals site is easy. Click here to view a list of open sites, call 311 or *text "NYCMEALS" to 877-877 for information about the free breakfast and lunch summer meals program and to locate a convenient site near you.
SchoolFood is pleased to announce that we will be deploying three mobile food trucks this summer. In an effort to reach as many children as possible during the summer, our mobile food trucks will visit beaches and parks throughout the city to handout free delicious and nutritious lunches.
Remember from June 27th to August 30th school is out but free summer meals are in!
For many kids, summertime means two things: fun and friends. But when school’s out, that also means that families can’t count on their kids eating meals at school, and already tight family food budgets have to be stretched even further. Parents also know that growing kids have big appetites.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers free summer meals to kids across New York City similar to School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, except meals are free to all kids that come to a registered summer meals site.
Summer Meals Programs Details:
- Meals are FREE to children and teens ages 18 and younger who come to a summer meals sites
- Free summer meals will help families save money and stretch their already tight food budgets
- Food served at summer meal sites follows USDA nutrition guidelines and are paid for by the USDA
- Summer meals sites are at safe places for kids to go such as schools, churches, community centers and other places that are safe for kids and teens to go to
- Many sites offer educational and recreational activities that kids of all ages can participate in so they can eat, hang out with friends and take part in activities offered
- Parents don’t need to apply to the program to get a free summer meal for their kids. They can simply bring their child to a summer meals site in their community and their kids can enjoy it without the hassle of having to fill out an application.
Find A Summer Meals Site Near You:
Use this map to locate a free summere meals site. You can also call 3-1-1 or text NYCmeals to 877-877.
Summer Food Program Concept:
SchoolFood Mission Statement: SchoolFood is committed to promoting healthy food choices among our students and maintaining high nutritional standards while offering delicious, healthy, and satisfying menu choices. |
The free summer meal program is a sponsored by the Federal Government throughout the country. While over 23 million children participated in the free or reduced priced school meal program in 2012, just over 3 million children received meals during the summer months, largely due to the lack of local programs.
To help meet the nutritional needs of children during the summer months, several of our food banks operate summer feeding programs.
Program Summary
The mission of the Summer Food Program is to meet the needs of hungry children in the summer by providing them with nutritious meals and snacks when other resources are not available. Summer Food Programs may be meal based programs, typically reimbursed through the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), or may be innovative distribution models that are specifically designed to fill the gap in services for children during the summer months.
Program Objective
- Provide nutritious, healthy meals, food packages, vouchers and/or snacks to children at-risk of hunger in the summer months when school is not in session.
- Distribute food in easily accessible and safe environments.
School Breakfast and Lunch Programs
The School Breakfast and Lunch Programs are federal programs providing free, reduced-price or full-priced breakfast and lunch at participating schools throughout New York State. The meals are the same for all children regardless of payment category, and schools are not permitted to identify students who get free or reduced-price meals.
All children attending schools that offer these programs can participate. Some children qualify for free/reduced price meals, and others pay for meals, depending on family size and income. The chart below presents the income level for the different meal categories.
Meal Categories |
Eligibility |
Free meals |
Income up to 130% of poverty ($28,665 for a family of 4 annually) |
Reduced Price ($.25) paid by family |
Income up to 185% of poverty ($40,793 for a family of 4 annually) |
Full price* paid by family |
Income over 185% of poverty ($40,793 for a family of 4 annually) |

"Free Summer Meal for Kids" sign hanging at the entrance of a local school

A "Free Summer Meal for Kids"
truck at the parking lot of a local park

The whole family eating the free summer meal together

"Free Summer Meal for Kids" sign on
another local school

That's the Ridgewood Intermediate School (Public School 93)
All public schools have a national flag outside the building

Some libraries are also locations for "Free Summer Meal for Kids". This is the sign posted on the entrance to an auditorium of a local library where the "Meal for Kids" is served.

No discrimination in serving free meals

How to deal a choking accident

Lunch Menu for the whole month. Each serving location can have its own serving schedule.

Menu for the last week.
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