New England Tour (2)
Martha's Vineyard (continued)
& Provincetown
东山 10/31/2012
2012年8月27日至29日我们参加了个三天两夜游,到美国东北部的麻萨诸塞州,首先看该州东南部一个名叫Martha's Vineyard的小岛,然后到距Martha's Vineyard90英里的鳕鱼角(Cape Cod)半岛最北端的Provincetown参观. 最后参观了波士顿以南45英里的Plimoth Plantation。

登陆Martha's Vineyard岛之后的第一个景点Gay Head Light: Gay Head Light is an historic Martha's Vineyard lighthouse located on the island's westernmost point off of Lighthouse Road in Aquinnah, Massachusetts.


与司机兼导游合影。导游名叫Thomas Dresser, 从事这项工作多年,并十分热爱。他写了一本小册子题目是:“Tommy's Tour of the Vineyard", 在车上出售.

Maley's merry maiden strikes a carefree pose at the Fild Gallery in downtown West Tisbury. The Field Gallery and Sculpture Garden is a unique exhibition environment. Inside, three galleries present rotating exhibits of contemporary paintings, sculpture and photography. Outside, the large field is home to the ever enchanting sculptures of Field Gallery founder Tom Maley. The gallery represents over 30 talented artists, each with a unique island connection.


等待离岛时随便看看周围房屋。这些都是供出租的别墅, 主要在夏季。

Oak Bluffs 港旁边的Ocean Park的gazebo(凉亭)

The Corbin-Norton House, Originally constructed in 1891 for Phillip Corbin of the Corbin Lock dynasty of New Britain, Connecticut. It was purchased by Peter and Eileen Norton in 1991; The original splendor was restored in 1994 by Design Associates. The House was destroyed by fire in February of 2001. The owner of this Oak Bluffs Victorian chose to rebuild the house as a replica of the original. This project was honored by the Boston Society of Architects “Excellence in Architecture” award program in 1996. The new house interiors were designed in collaboration with The Getty's Group, Inc, the nationally-recognized interior design firm in Chicago. The reconstruction of the House was completed in 2005.

Villa Rosa (the Overton House)

Oak Bluffs Harbor holds band concerts in the Ocian Park gazebo on summer Sunday evenings.

The Soldiers' Memorial Fountain monument depicting a Union Soldier was erected in 1891
by Charles Strahan, a former Confederate States soldier who relocated to Martha's Vineyard
after the Civil War. Due to lingering bitterness over the conflict, local Union veterans first excluded
him from their gatherings. In a gesture of conciliation, Strahan established this memorial in honor
of their organization, the Grand Army of the Republic, his former enemy. As its dedication he professed his loyalty to the restored Union and gave thanks for the abolition of slavery. His wish that
"more kindness" would be shown toward his "old comrades" was fulfilled in 1925 when
a tablet honoring Confederate soldiers was added to the pedestal.

Oak Bluffs 港摆渡码头的售票厅


这张照片显示我们已经到了Cape Cod半岛最北边的Provincetown。

这是Provincetown的最著名的地标-The Pilgrim Memorial Monument朝圣者纪念塔. The Monument
was builtfrom1907 to 1910 to commemoriate the first landing of the Mayflower Pilgrims
in Provincetown on November 21, 1620. The tower is 252 feet, 7.5 inches(77 meters)tall and
350 feet above sea level. In it there are 116 steps and 60 ramps. The Monument is the tallest all-granite structure in the United States. The granite came from Stonington, Maine, and each stone
is the thickness of the wall. The design is patterned after the Torre Del Mangia in Siena, Ilaly.



