--- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康 ---
Family Photos-29 新西兰留学及更多照片
August 12, 2020


By the front of dorm for students of the Victoria University of Willington, 1979
At VUW NZ 1980

新西兰维大英语学院, 1979
Wellington beach



在新西兰首都惠灵顿议会大厦(The Beehive)附近留影, 1980
Glacier in South Island, NZ
Road to Victoria University of Wellington
Greg in the rented house in Wellington, 1980
Greg at the VUW campus 1980

Visiting a flower house in Wellington 1980


与维大的同学, 左起戴卫东、老龚等





With new arrival Chinese students in Auckland NZ


With the landlord and landlady family

Helen and Jerry Whylie familywith the visiting pingpong player and Wu.

On top of Mount Cook

After the graduation ceremony

With Dorothy Brown and the Vice Chancellor of the VUW

Graduation ceremony at the English Language Institute 1980

Visiting South Island NZ

At the front of the Chinese Embassy in NZ

Visiting South Island NZ

Visiting a Diary Farm in South Island NZ

Visiting Maori church

South Island NZ

Wellington, NZ

Datie shortly came to the US with Mom

Father was awarded as a model worker in Keiluan Coal Mine to enjoy two weeks' vacation in Beidaihe Beach area 1973

Tian Cailian, wife of Donhong
Greg & his brother at Nankai University 1981
Zhimei just came to the United States 1991.

Mother & son reading 1980
From left Datie, Liu Ying, Liu Fang, Zhimei
Greg 1957
Greg 1978
Mother and son 1980
Greg at the beach in Wellington, NZ 1980

Tianmen Square

Visiting a temple in Zhejiang with a foreign teacher

Baoyin and her colleagues 1979

From left: George, Ian, Baoguang, June, Angela

Fron left Lin, George, Baoguang, Zhu Xiaoyong (Tian Honglei's husband)

Laogufu, Meng Hua (Hu Yangxian, 1930-1996)

Mother & son 1978