东山 译
1。人无善志, 虽勇必伤。 --《淮南子•主术训》
Without good intentions, even though brave and powerful, the man will meet setbacks and fall.
2。己所不欲勿施于人 -- 《论语·卫灵公》
Don’t impose on others whatever you won’t like them to do to you.
3. 君子和而不同,小人同而不合。-- 《論語・子路篇》
The gentlemen are harmonious in mind, but not uniform in all opinions. The mean crowds flaunt uniformity in everything, but not conforming in mind.
4. 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。-- 《论语·子路篇》
When a ruler's conducts are proper, he will be obeyed without issuing orders. If his behaviors are not suitable, however, he may emit many commands, but they will not be complied with.
5。夫物之不齐,物之情也。 --《孟子·滕文公上》
Things in the world are all different with each other, that’s how they were created.
6。知、仁、勇,三者天下之达德也。-- 《礼记·中庸》
Wisdom, virtue, and courage, are the top three moralities under heaven.
The wise are free from perplexity, the virtuous from angst, and the brave from fear.
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