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Use Salt to Wash Fruits and Vegetables is Worse
A test done in the Inspection Agency pointed out: salt compound will stabilize pesticides. It is better off to let the vegetables sit at room temperature for half a day, then rinse with water. The advertisement "Washing vegetables with salt is healthy" is incorrect. A teach of the Food Engineering Department said: salt makes pesticides more stable due to chemical bonds. Pesticide residues in vegetables will be locked in. Therefore, pesticides in vegetables should be removed by rinsing with water several times. Do not add salt to wash vegetables ......? In one nutrition class, Professor of Medicine in Taipei (now also a hospital clinical dietitian), has strong criticism of the misleading ads and wonder why no one ever stop it. Disclosure of such inaccurate information happened quite often, but no action was taken to ....? She hopes the public can have accurate medical knowledge. 【Translation] 清洗蔬果用鹽更糟糕 用鹽清洗蔬果反而會讓農藥更穩定而更糟糕。 鹽是氯化鈉,用鹽清洗蔬果反而會讓農藥更穩定而更糟糕。同時建議不論清洗蔬菜 或水果可以先用清水清洗一遍後,第二次清洗時在水中加入少許低筋麵粉清洗蔬 果 確實可以去除農藥。 有一位在檢驗局做檢驗的人說:鹽的成份是會穩定農藥的。把蔬菜在室溫下放半天 再用清水多沖洗就可以了。 文英阿姨那個健康低鈉鹽的廣告:"精鹽是用來洗菜的"是錯誤的。 食工系的老師說:精鹽會使農藥的化學鍵更穩定,那蔬菜上殘留的農藥就會鎖在蔬 菜上。 所以要把蔬菜上的農藥去除,只要用清水多沖洗幾次就可以了, 千萬不要加鹽巴下去洗菜......。 在一堂營養學課堂,授課者為一位台北醫學院的教授(目前也是醫院的臨床 營養師),她即強烈的批評這個廣告會對大家的健康帶來為害,卻搞不懂為何無人 制止,因為已發生相當多臨床上的病例,難道又是財團的金錢掛勾勒....。 語重心長的說出來,是真正希望大家有最正確的醫學常識。
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