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Analysis: While it's true that recent scientific studies have shown that lemons and other citrus fruits contain compounds which may have anti-carcinogenic properties, I've found nothing in the existing literature to support the wildly exaggerated claims above — for example, the claim that lemon is "10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy," or the claim that it is "a proven remedy against cancers of all types." Nor have I found evidence to support the allegation that these claims originated from "one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world." A representative of the Institute of Health Sciences told me the organization did not publish the text, was not the source of the claims, and indeed, as an allied health school, isn't in the business of providing medical information to the general public. What the actual research says Several substances occurring naturally in citrus fruits have been found to have cancer-fighting potential in scientific studies, of which the two most promising appear to be limonoids and pectin. Limonoids, a class of natural compounds found mainly in the skin and seeds of citrus fruits, are being studied as both a preventative and a treatment for cancer. For example, research has shown that particular limonoids can inhibit the spread of breast cancer cells in vitro. Further research is needed to determine their clinical effectiveness in human beings. Modified citrus pectin, derived from the natural pectin found in the pulp and peel of citrus fruits, has been shown in animal and in vitro studies to reduce the metastasization of cancer cells. Again, further research is needed to prove their clinical effectiveness in humans. It goes without saying that lemons and other citrus fruits are nutritious and health-promoting in myriad ways, so while the jury may still be out on exactly how and to what extent they're effective in preventing and treating cancer, they should certainly be regarded as an essential component of a healthy diet. |
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