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The 2013 & 2012 Kids' State Dinner On July 9th (2013), fifty-four children and their parent/guardian (one pair from each of the 50 states, plus some of the U.S. Territories, D.C., and Puerto Rico) attended a Kids' "State Dinner" at the White House, hosted by Mrs. Obama. Each child (and their parents) submitted a healthy recipe as part of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. A selection of the winning healthy recipes were served. The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge invited families to create an original lunchtime recipe that is healthy, affordable and delicious, and follows the nutritional guidelines of MyPlate. The winners were chosen by a panel of judges from the organizations that teamed up with Mrs. Obama on this initiative; Epicurious, the Department of Education and the Department of Agriculture. Download the 2013 Cookbook The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge Cookbook------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 2012 Kids' State DinnerOn Monday, August 20, 2012 First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the first ever Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House welcoming 54 budding chefs to a formal luncheon in the East Room! The guests, aged 8-12, represented all U.S. states, three territories and the District of Columbia, and each of them (and their parents) submitted a healthy recipe as part of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge invited families to create an original lunchtime recipe that is healthy, affordable and delicious, and follows the nutritional guidelines of MyPlate. The winners were chosen by a panel of judges from the organizations that teamed up with Mrs. Obama on this initiative: Epicurious, the Department of Education and the Department of Agriculture. Download the 2012 Cookbook The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge CookbookStay up to date on all the latest Let’s Move news, plus ideas for helping your family make healthy choices (plus recipes and tips for healthy meals!) sign up for the Let’s Move newsletter.
小朋友问最喜爱食物 奥巴马:西兰花 嗜吃快餐的美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周 二(7/9/2013)出席白宫活动时被小朋友问及最爱吃什么时,他回应是西兰花。 奥巴马出席公众场合常大啖快餐,汉堡包、烧排骨、热狗、酥饼等无一不欢,今次奥巴马公开表示爱吃西兰花的言论,与前总统老布殊1990年时公开表示讨厌西兰花而遭农民运送千吨计西兰花到白宫抗议大相迳庭。 奥巴马还表示以妻子为傲,因为这次食谱比赛令他明白「食物可以是有趣和健康的」,改变他从小不喜欢吃「又腍又煳」的蔬菜的想法。 赢得食谱赛 美12岁华裔白宫会奥巴马 据美国《星岛日报》报道,并不是每个人都有机会在白宫走红地毯、跟总统奥巴马握手、再跟第一夫人米歇尔共进午餐的。来自门罗公园市(Menlo Park)的12岁女童史科特(Rose Scott),就是其中一位幸运儿。 奥巴马突然出现 白宫上周二(9日)第二次举办儿童健康食谱大赛,邀请8至12岁的儿童递交自己的健康食谱,从1300多份食谱中,在全美国的50个州、华盛顿、波多黎各、维京群岛和北马里亚纳群岛选出一名胜出者共54人,史科特就是以她的菜谱“生菜包猪肉豆腐”(pork-and-tofu lettuce wraps)成为加州代表。史科特谈到这份经验时表示:“我最喜欢的部分就是见到米歇尔和可以跟总统握手,他们非常好很友善。” 史科特华裔母亲Jean Lum Hoy(许琳,音译)描述当日情况说,活动视为国宴,白宫为参加儿童和家人铺红地毯欢迎,所有人被介绍时还有仪仗队陪同入场,并与第一夫人对谈一会儿。 为女儿感到自豪的许琳对当日的场面赞不绝口,她说:“所有东西都非常美丽,实在令人惊叹。” 许琳说,当时白宫安排一些非正式的接触活动给出席的小朋友,例如汽球艺人为他们捏气球,以及为每名胜出儿童送上按个人喜好选择的午餐便当。最让大家意想不到的是奥巴马总统突然出现这场国宴。许琳说:“他毫无预警下突然现身,又跟我们开了几个他突然闯入派对和喜欢柔软西兰花的笑话。” 她续称,奥巴马之后在宴会厅内四处走动和每名小厨师握手:“太震撼了。” 来自华裔母亲日常食谱 许琳形容,国宴上的午餐来自部分胜出者的食谱,包括南瓜粟玉包、春卷、迷你蔬菜椰菜花披萨、蔬菜大麦伴蜂蜜油醋汁等,她对这些菜色赞不绝口。 史科特表示,她的菜谱灵感来自母亲平日煮的猪肉菜色。她提到,加入豆腐和蔬菜,再用生菜包住来吃是她的主意。 现时就读门罗公园市女子中学(Girls Middle School)的史科特说,她与比赛中其他胜出者做了朋友,希望可以保持联络,甚至有机会可以探访这些朋友的家。除了喜欢烹饪之外,史科特更是一名韵律泳队员。她总结此次白宫之旅说:“简直酷毙了!” |
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