Letters to the President: Reflections on Growing Up as Muslim Americans

"Muslim Americans are as diverse as our nation itself-black, white, Latino, Asian, and Arab. Eid celebrations around the country remind us of our proud history as a nation built by people of all backgrounds; our history of religious freedom and civil liberties, and our history of innovation and strength. These legacies would not be possible without the contributions of Muslim Americans that make our country even stronger."
In celebration of Eid al-Fitr, read a few letters to the President from Muslim Americans across the country.
Feed the Future, the Obama Administration Food Security Initiative, Becomes Law
"This game-changing development initiative - the first of my Administration - has helped increase economic growth and stem the tide of global hunger, poverty and malnutrition over the span of just a few years. While we've already accomplished so much through this collaborative global partnership, I know that with the continued effort and support that this legislation provides, we can achieve what was just a few years ago the unimaginable: We can end global poverty and hunger within our lifetimes"
The First Lady's Team Shares Their Paths to The White House

"Each of these young women took a different path to get where she is today, but I can tell you that they all share the same extraordinary work ethic...the same passion for public service, working in our government because they care deeply about this country and want to use their talent and energy to help others. As you read about these young women's amazing careers, I hope you'll be as impressed and inspired by them as I am."