Recapping Earth Day
On Wednesday, the President traveled to the Everglades in southern Florida for the first time to celebrate Earth Day. While enjoying the natural beauty of the 1.5-million-acre wetland ecosystem, President Obama also highlighted how climate change is affecting the region and our planet.
The President also sat down with Bill Nye the Science Guy to discuss that threat, conservation, and science education in America. Watch their conversation below:

Here's What You Said You're Fighting For:
Climate change is hurting our parks, ecosystems, and outdoor spaces in every state and every region of America. That's why on Monday, we asked you to join us in taking a stand.
We called on you to help make the problem real for your friends, family, and followers on social media by sharing a photo of your favorite outdoors spot that you'd fight to protect. And we were overwhelmed by your responses -- like the following:

"[I would fight to protect] every eucalyptus forest in the United States. This, for example, is Mount Sutro Open Reserve in San Francisco. It is one of the most fragrant places a city can ever have, and I think the most divine places in Northern California." -- Jarrod B.
Empowering Young Minds at the White House
This week marked the 10th year that the White House has participated in "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day." This year, in order to give more kids an opportunity to grow and broaden their horizons, the White House expanded its program beyond the children of Executive Office of the President staff to include children from the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington and the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency.

To see more from the past week, watch the latest edition of West Wing Week here. |