In 2009, when I was thirteen years old, I wrote this in a letter to the President:
"Dear President Obama,
My dad works for a company that manufactures cables for the automotive companies … This industry isn’t doing so well but these guys are still doing ok. I thought it would be nice if you gave them a visit … I am 13 years old and I am worried about my family’s future in Michigan."
That was then. Today, the company my dad works for is thriving again, giving him a brighter outlook to continue his career as an auto supplier. The falling unemployment rate makes me feel more hopeful about finding a career of my own after college. People in Michigan are more confident about the future of our state than they’ve felt in a long time.
When President Obama saved the auto industry, he gave Michiganders like me and my family hope again.
That’s why I’m so proud to see President Obama return to Detroit to talk about the resurgence of our manufacturing industry. Today at 3:25pm ET, tune in to watch his speech.
As a 13-year-old girl, I saw a few of my relatives get laid off from the automotive companies they worked for. I felt that it was unfair to them because I knew they were hard workers. Through overhearing my dad talk to customers and colleagues on the phone, I got a sense of just how much the entire industry was struggling then.
When I wrote to President Obama in 2009, I felt hopeful something could be done to improve this terrible situation.
Seven years after the President took steps to rescue the auto industry, so much has changed. I’ve seen foreclosed homes being occupied again, new homes being built, and people going back to work in the auto industry.
Today, President Obama will see firsthand the progress we’ve made here. In just a little bit, I'll be heading to see the President speak in downtown Detroit -- you can watch his speech at 3:25pm ET.
I’m proud to welcome him back to the Motor City.
Brianna Leathers
Sterling Heights, Michigan
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