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Wednesday April 15, 2015

As it turns out, you don't have to be a political wonk to have a policy discussion. And that's the way it should be.

Because here's the reality: When you ask your coworker whether your company offers paid sick leave, you're having a policy discussion. When you ask your boss why you don’t earn the same salary for the same work as the men in the office, you’re having a policy discussion. When you try and put money away for retirement, pay off your student loans each month, deposit your paycheck, or drop your kids off at daycare -- those everyday actions are shaped by the policies on the books at your workplace.

Right now, there's a broad conversation about workplace policies that's happening in cities, businesses, communities, and around kitchen tables across the country, and it's one that has the potential to fundamentally change the way middle-class families work and live -- for the better.

Today, the President will be traveling to Charlotte, North Carolina to talk with working moms about the plan he laid out in his budget to help folks trying to support their families. He'll be taking questions from the BlogHer and SheKnows online communities -- and from you.

You can watch online here -- and here's how you can add your voice, no matter where you are:

  • Ask questions on social media before, during, and after the meeting using the hashtag #ObamaTownHall.
  • Visit and and submit your questions and stories in the comment sections of relevant articles and blog posts.

There are things that our businesses, cities, states, and yes, our Congress, can do right now to make sure our workplaces match the realities of today's working families.

The fastest way to see action on these issues is to help show exactly how many people they affect. That's why your voice is essential to this conversation.

We can't wait to hear what you have to say.

- Valerie

Valerie Jarrett
Senior Advisor
The White House

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