A wise woman once said that one is not born a woman, but rather becomes one. What makes a woman? Strength. Resilience. Compassion. Beauty from within. When I think of what it means to be a woman, I stand a little taller because I know I stand on the shoulders of women who came before me and paved the way.
My mom, Diana Ross, is one of those women. She's both nurturing and fierce, graceful and courageous. She set an example for me to be empowered, to have a voice, and to build a full life for myself. And there are countless other women who inspire and remind me of the individual and collective power of women.
Women are always breaking new records and forging new paths. We build on the accomplishments of those who came before us.
On June 14, the White House will host women from all over the country at the United State of Women Summit. We will celebrate extraordinary women who are creating change and growth in our world -- women who are doing great things.
If there's a woman in your life who inspires you like my mom has always inspired me, somebody who strives to help everybody around her achieve their greatest, we want her to be there. We want her to stand with President Obama and the First Lady.
Nominate someone you know to join the United State of Women Summit in Washington, D.C. on June 14. (You can even nominate yourself!)
I know there are so many women out there who are lifting up their friends, their neighbors, and their communities. We want to meet these incredible women.
Every woman who carves out a space for other women in her community or profession and every woman who raises her voice to fight for an issue she cares about is changing what it means to be a woman in America.
Together, we are so powerful.
So hit us up: Tell us about someone in your life who should be at the Summit. And make sure to do it before nominations close at midnight!
Tracee Ellis Ross
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