Twelve Virtues in Life and Work(注)
高东山 译(1965届)
Reading and learning make one intelligent and wise,
To be persistent is crucial for success;
Exercises will render your body healthy and strong,
"Loose lips sink ships", but you need a sharp tongue;
Go against social trends and waves decadent and debasing,
Be happy with a frugal, industrious, and fruitful living;
Be prudent in whatever you say and do,
And be a dauntless soldier for a cause noble and true;
Self-reliance and confident are vital for accomplishments ,
Respected are those who are as good as their statements ;
Never be confused and led astray by wealth and honors to acts immoral,
Nor yield to power and succumb to threatening forces evil .
So long as these twelve virtues be put in deeds and kept in mind,
So long a great life of integrity and triumph you will find.
十四行诗起源于十四世纪意大利文艺复兴运动,在十六世纪初期英国诗人华埃特(Thomas Wyatt, 1503-1542)和亨利萨里伯爵(Henry Howard, Earlof Surrey, 1517-1547)将具有强烈人文主义色彩和反守旧思想的意大利十四行诗译介到英国。英国十四行诗体也称为莎士比亚十四行诗体,因为莎士比亚的十四行诗的成就和影响最大。其格律一般是前十二行叙事描写或论述,最后两行是结论总结。为凑足十二行我就加了一句"And be a dauntless soldier for a causenoble and true",这样就正好有十二行的论述,最后又加了两行结论收尾。十四行诗还有其它格律要求,如每行都是五音步十音节;全诗分为三个四行体(quatrains)和一个双行体(couplet),而形式上全诗仍是一个诗节,不分成四个诗节。这四部分的内容变化及相互关系与中国传统作诗法讲的"起承转合"四步法颇为相似,但十四行诗的"合"的部分只有两行。典型的英国十四行诗的韵式为abab cdcd efef gg.我为英译起了一个题目"Twelve Virtues in Life and Work".译的只是有点形似十四行诗而已,很多方面都不符合十四行诗的要求,目的是为了这几句非常重要而且很实用的警世箴言有一个完整的便于记忆的形式。
(原载《海外南开人》43期, 2011年1月出版) |