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艰难之旅 - 李春燕在抗议ABC电视节目集会的讲演 11/8/2013 作者:李春燕博士 (译者:黄寸草,美国翻译协会认证译员) 李春燕在CNN访谈节目:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jy_wXr7SG4
今天,在场 的各位朋友们一定都读过那些迷惑人心的报道和评注,也对此发表过见解、阐述过反驳 意见、并为此痛心疾首。 我们扪心自问:是我们要求过分了吗?是我们的英文水平不够 好,不理解道歉应该是什么样的吗? 10 月 28 日,我们第一次抗议的当晚,Kimmel 先生说:今天是个古怪的日子…… 如果我冒犯了任何人,抱歉。”我请问 ABC,古怪的是谁?只字不提“为什么”抱歉, 向“谁”抱歉,算得上哪门子真正的道歉?向宁静的生活被从此破坏的中国人道歉了吗 ?向我们努力保护免受痛苦和伤害的孩子们道歉了吗?向教育孩子们马丁路德金博士精 神的学校道歉了吗?ABC,请问你们称此为“道歉”吗? 在给 80-20 的信中,ABC 仍声称其旨在娱乐大众,别无他意。请问,难道拿“杀 光中国人”当玩笑就那么有趣么?是因为我们总是与人为善么?朋友 11 岁的乖儿想在 海报上写“不要欺负我们”。开始我不理解,后来我才明白,他的意思是“不要利用我 们的善良。”这让我心碎!!! ABC 和 Kimmel 先生,我们要求你们,为夺走孩子们宝 贵的安全感负责!为在孩子们的心灵播下仇恨的种子负责! 10 月 29 日,Kimmel 先生将这一切归罪于文化差异的理念,多么可笑。我请问, 您所谓的“文化差异”是什么意思?勤奋工作、赢得尊重、热爱和谐的文化?还是暴力 和种族仇恨的文化?这二者区别何在?我相信我们与 Kimmel 之间的确存在着天壤之别 。我们是非分明,对幽默亦心领神会!然而,我们不能容忍的是你恶意的玩笑、之后公 然的侮辱、顾左右而言他的荒谬的“文化差异”理论。这种行为除了证明你 Kimmel 先 生是个不称职的公众人物之外,它显得多么苍白无力! ABC,请别再拿“文化差异”掩饰自己的错误!除了印第安原住民,我们所有人都 是来自五湖四海的移民,都有着各自的特质。虽然如此,我们共同持守的是人类尊严这 一基本的价值观。请别再无限放大肤色或口音的不同! 我一而再,再而三地询问:“走到这一步,我们花了多长时间?”有朋友说,“某 处登了书面道歉啦”。现实生活中,谁会有这么多的第三次机会?然而,这让我陷入沉 思,是否我们要求太多了?要求太多了?!令我深感失望的是,在这封道歉信中, Kimmel 先生仍胆小地躲在 6 岁顽童的身后。拿出点勇气来,Kimmel 先生!你不会以 为我们的愤怒是指向一个 6 岁的孩童吧?你问:“我们是否应该让中国人活下去?” 这让我们愤怒!你随后傲慢的嘲笑,让我们愤怒!ABC 在公众面前掩饰所谓的道歉背后 的真相,这更让我们愤怒! 美国是勇者的国度。ABC,让孩子们看看你有勇气承认错误!让孩子们看看你有胆 量承担责任,开除 Kimmel!请向公众表明你有决心制定措施,防止此类事件再次发生 。ABC,请拿出勇气,别把 6 岁的孩子当作挡箭牌!!请让我们看一看,广播界的巨头 如何能知错必改,勇担责任!! 这 20 年,这 20 天,是追求美好生活、自由和幸福的漫漫之旅。谁不希望拥抱幸 福?然生命无常,谈何自由?!失去自由,幸福安在?!路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而 求索。让我们携起手来,为人类的尊严并肩奋斗!! 告诉孩子们,远离杀戮,奉献爱心!! 【英文原文】 What a Journey! By Chunyan Li (11/08/2013) Dear all, How long does it take us to get here today? One hour? Two hours? For me, it is 20 years! 20 years ago I arrived at this land of the free, full of ideals , perhaps from listening too much to radio Voice of America. 20 years later my sons join me to protest against ABC's spreading of racial hatred and violence. What is wrong with this picture? I ask my teenage son whether we should just treat "killing Chinese" as a joke. He said this demonstrates what the society and media had been feeding our young kids. My heart sank. Is America moving forward or backward? Now I ask again: How long does it take us to get here? I don't know about you, but the last 20 days seem longer than my 20 years. Those of us who stand here today must have been reading, writing, arguing, and agonizing over confusing pieces of reports and commentaries. And we ask ourselves, are we being unreasonable? Is our English that bad that we don't know what an apology is? On 10/28, the night of our first protest, Mr. Kimmel said, "today is a weird day...I am sorry if I offended anyone." I ask ABC, who is the weird one? Who truly apologizes if he doesn't even say sorry for what? Sorry to whom? To the Chinese whose sense of tranquility is forever disturbed? To our kids whom we try so hard to shield from pain and harm? To the schools that teach kids the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King? ABC, do you call that an apology? In a letter to 80-20, ABC still claims it only entertains. Why is joking about killing Chinese so entertaining? Is it because we are always so nice? My friend's sweet 11-year old wants to write on his poster, "do not take advantage of us." I first didn't understand, then found out he meant "don't take advantage of us because we are nice." That broke my heart!!! ABC and Mr . Kimmel, we hold you accountable for taking away our children's precious sense of security. And we hold you accountable for sowing the seeds of hatred in other children's minds. On 10/29, Mr. Kimmel even resorted to the ridiculous notion of cultural difference. I ask him, what cultural difference do you mean? A culture of hard work, respect, harmony versus a culture of violence and racial hatred? Then I admit there is an unbridgeable difference between Kimmel and us. We know what's right, what's wrong. And we know what humor is too! Yet malicious joke we have no tolerance of your malicious joke, subsequent insult on air, then the absurd reference to culture. This only proves Mr. Kimmel you are unfit to be a public figure. ABC, stop blaming cultural differences for your own mistakes! Except for Native Americans, all are immigrants with unique traits. Yet we share the basic value of human dignity. Stop magnifying the differences in skin colors , or accents! I ask a third time, how long does it take us to get here? Our friends started telling us there is another written apology somewhere. Who in real life is given so many third chances? Yet I ponder, are we asking too much? I discovered to my dismay that in that written letter, Mr. Kimmel is still hiding behind the 6-year old. Come on Mr. Kimmel, you think our anger is on a 6-year old? Our anger is on your malicious question "Should we allow the Chinese to live?" Our anger is on your subsequent arrogant ridicule. Our rage is on ABC for not letting the public know the truth of these so called apologies. America is the home of the brave. ABC, show our kids you have the courage of admitting wrong doing, show our kids you have the guts to take responsibility by dismissing Mr. Kimmel. Show us you have the resolve to institute procedures to prevent future incidences. ABC, do NOT hide behind a 6-year old! Show us what a major network can do to right its wrong! Twenty years, twenty days. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Who doesn't want to be happy? But without life, what is liberty? Without liberty, what is happiness? Let's join hands in our pursuit of human dignity. Teach kids to love, not to kill! |
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