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Friday, March 14, 2014


The White House, Washington

Hello, everyone --

President Obama gets thousands of letters every day from Americans around the country. As the Director of Presidential Correspondence, it's my job to make sure we sort and read everything you send in.

Because he can't get through every piece of mail you send him, the President asked us at the beginning of his presidency to set aside 10 letters each day for him to read. It's one way he likes to stay connected to what people across the country are thinking and care about. The President replies to some of your letters by hand, and forwards the ones that really move him to his senior staff -- a reminder of the people we're working to help every day.

You've sent in thousands of letters about how health coverage is making a difference in your life. How it's saving you money -- or saving the life of a loved one.

Those letters show some of the clearest reasons why it's so important for people to get covered before the March 31 open enrollment deadline. And now with just 17 days left, time is running out: We need your help getting your friends and family covered.

If health coverage has made a difference for you, help someone else get covered. Tell them to go to before March 31.

The bottom line is that health insurance is making a world of difference for a lot of folks out there.

It's making a difference for folks like Tracy from Tennessee -- who was able to get needed surgery this spring thanks to her coverage. She said, "I'm nobody special, but my surgery meant everything to me and my family."

It means so much to President Obama to hear stories like that from you. And I think it will mean just as much to someone else -- there's so much power in the words that you write.

There are just 17 days left to get covered in 2014. So if someone you care about needs health insurance, there's no time to waste.

It's time to get covered -- and if you know someone who needs to hear that message, will you forward this on?

Thank you,


Fiona Reeves
Director, Office of Presidential Correspondence
The White House

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