Mike Erwin saw tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. And when he got home, he kept on serving.
When he came home, he started a community service group. Because, despite everything that Mike had given to his country by serving overseas, he wanted to serve his country at home, as well. This morning on Veterans Day, I had the honor of welcoming Mike and a team of his fellow veterans to the White House -- where they presented a flag they had run across the United States in two months, starting on September 11, 2014.
I've met countless members of our armed forces like Mike over the years. And no matter where or when they served, I am always humbled by their selfless commitment to our country. Our veterans represent the absolute best we have to offer.
They are the heart and soul -- the very spine -- of this nation.
As we give thanks to our veterans, we say thanks to the men and women still serving. Take a moment to thank our troops.
Today, there are still thousands of warriors serving in harm's way. I know them. I've been with them. I've seen the incredible sacrifices they make every day for all of us.
And just like the veterans of past wars, today's returning troops deserve our enduring gratitude.
As my wife Jill points out, less than 1 percent of America's population serves in uniform, but more than 99 percent of Americans owe that 1 percent much more than we could ever repay. We owe them, and we owe their sons and daughters, husbands and wives, too.
It's our sacred obligation to care for and equip those who we send to war, and care for them and their families when they come home.
God bless America and may God protect our troops,
Vice President Joe Biden
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