Whether you're covered or not:
If you've noticed tweets, radio ads, or news stories about HealthCare.gov being back open for business (it’s working!), and thought that it doesn’t have anything to do with you, here's a newsflash:
This has something to do with you. Here's exactly what you can do right now:
If you need health insurance for 2015, you can visit HealthCare.gov right now, apply, and get covered. Maybe you just want to shop around for a bit first. That's fine, too. Just make sure you create an account so that you can log back in, apply, and enroll before February 15, 2015.
If you're already covered, then it's time to join the team that's getting millions of Americans covered for the next three months.
Right now, too many Americans who stand to benefit most from coverage have no idea what "open enrollment" means, what kind of coverage they're eligible for, or what that means for them.
It's on all of us to change that. And if the simple, honest-to-goodness warm feeling of making sure another American has the security and comfort that comes with good health care isn't enough to motivate you, consider this:
As more and more Americans become covered, insurance companies will compete for their business. That will help lower costs for all of us.
So, really: There's something for you to do right now, whether it's visiting HealthCare.gov to start shopping or apply for coverage, or helping someone else do that right now.
Thanks -- and we'll be in touch soon.
Stay connected
