“Esther Conwell’s death is a tragic loss for the world of science, as well as for the University of Rochester community,” said University President Joel Seligman on the death of Conwell ’44 (MS), a research professor of chemistry. “Professor Conwell’s many scientific contributions and her pioneering role as a leading woman in science made her a source of pride for our entire University of Rochester community. She was a deeply inspiring scientist for young women pursuing careers in science.” Conwell, a 2010 recipient of the National Medal of Science, was 92.

Professor Leigh Estabrook 是我上学时的图书馆和信息学学院院长

Professor Linda Smith,professor and Executive Associate Dean, 曾教过我们一门课. (图2019)
 Lind Smith(middle), professor and Executive Associate Dean, is pictured with May 2019 MS/LIS Graduates Halle Burns(left), recipient of the Kathyn Luther & William T Henderson Award, and Sharon Han (right), recipient of the Anne M. Boyd/Beta Phi Mu Award.

November 18 Saturday, 2017

Make a difference where it matters most.
Join us in a worldwide effort to bring the spirit of Meliora to the local communities of our alumni, families, and friends as part of the University of Rochester's third annual Global Day of Service.
Sign up today for a service opportunity near you.
Register in advance to receive a free Global Day of Service t-shirt!
Metro New York City Network Volunteer Sites
Saturday, September 14 | City Meals on Wheels
Bring a smile to a neighbor in need with the Metro New York City Young Alumni Council.
Westchester (New Rochelle)
Saturday, September 21
Westchester Parks Foundation Glen Island Park Clean Up
Help keep Glen Island Park beautiful for everyone to enjoy!
A special thank you to the Metro New York City Young Alumni Council and Lara Chassin '02 for organizing these events!

University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign campus

University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign 校园雕塑《校友》
Metro NY Illini Club <email_watch@omnimagnet.net> 4/19/2017
Hello, Donshan,
Just a quick note to let you know that you can still join our Big Ten team for New York Cares Day this Saturday - we already have about 50 people signed up, and it should be a really great day! We will be working in Claremont Park in the Bronx, near the 170th St/Grand Concourse stop on the D Train. Online registration is closed, but you can register on site - just get there around 9:00 (a little earlier than the official start time) to get signed up. Additional details are at the link below.
Also, to celebrate our contribution to the community, there will be a post-session Happy Hour just outside the park at Chelsea Craft Brewing Company, at 173rd Street & Washington Avenue. :-)
Kelly Belford, Club President, UIUC Alumni Association NYC
P.S. There are still a few tickets left for "E.T" at the New York Philharmonic! Click below to get yours.

May 5, 2017
Hello, Donshan,
This is the time of year when we celebrate and honor our local tri-state area soon-to-be high school graduates who have chosen to attend the University of Illinois. We specifically recognize our Club Scholarship finalists at our Annual Dinner, which will be held this year at Hurley's in Midtown, on Thursday, June 8. We hope you'll be able to join us to hear about our great Scholarship Program and congratulate these amazing young people who will be heading to Champaign in the Fall.
You can register for the dinner at the link below, and if you'd like to make a donation to our Scholarship Fund, you'll have the opportunity to add a little something extra on to the ticket price. Can't make the dinner, but would like to contribute to the Scholarship Fund? Click here!
We are truly grateful for your continued support, and hope to see you on June 8th!
Kelly Belford, Club President
Metro NY Illini Club Annual Dinner
Thursday, 06/8/17 at 6:30pm
Please join us for this year's Annual Dinner, where we will enjoy some Illini camaraderie and honor our 2017 Club Scholarship Finalists. |

U of R Christmas Card, 2016

Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

University of Illinois at Chicago Marching Bank, December 2016

Students social life at University of Rochester