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娄平 (1917—2000) 娄平同志1917年9月3日出生, 祖籍浙江绍兴,1936年加入中国共产党,早年投身抗日救亡运动,先后在北京和冀东抗日根据地从事党的地下工作和八路军冀东军分区政治工作,曾任中共北平城委书记、冀东八路军科长、教导员、党总支书记、团政委,是冀东抗日名将包森烈士的亲密战友。新中国成立后,娄平任唐山市首任教育局局长、历任察哈尔省教育厅副厅长、张家口市委副书记、河北省宣传部、文教部副部长,河北省教育厅厅长、南开大学党委副书记和副校长等职。1982年主动离休后,专注于冀热辽抗战史研究,多次来遵化市调查走访,先后发表了大量冀东地区抗战史料和回忆文章,对于追述冀东地方党史和抗战历史,进行革命传统教育和爱国主义教育起到了重要作用。 2000年2月29日病逝。娄平同志长期从事文化教育工作,为党的教育事业和南开大学的发展作出了重要贡献。 【附杨振宁等人对娄平的回忆】 杨振宁:娄平的外号叫“扁桃” 杨振宁的名字谁都知道,因为他得过诺贝尔奖,而娄平,对于很多年轻人来讲,则是陌生的。但在新出版的《娄平纪念文集》中,杨振宁则对娄平表示了极大的尊重。一位是物理学家,一位是中共的地下工作者(后来也是教育家),他们之间,又有着怎样的联系呢? 在写给娄平家属的信中,杨振宁揭开了这一秘密。杨振宁说,娄平是我(北平)崇德中学的同学,比我高一班。记得他当时的外号叫“扁桃”。我与他并不熟,可是与他的同班好友朱迈先(朱自清先生长子)非常要好。后来我才知道,娄平与朱迈先都与中共北平地下党有密切的关系。朱迈先和我当时都住校,他组织六七个同学成立了“读书会”,其中就有娄平。他们介绍给我读了艾思奇、邹韬奋等人的著作,受益颇多。一转眼数十年过去,杨振宁因为这本书,还给娄平的家属寄来了他们在崇德中学的珍贵照片。至于娄平的外号为何叫“扁桃”,杨振宁称,谁也说不清楚,但都这样叫。此后,记者采访了著名演员、作家黄宗英,她在自述文章《小迷糊大不了》中回忆说,有一天,我大哥(黄宗江)崇德中学的同学(娄平)来到天津树德里2号我家,手心里攥着大哥写的一张纸条,看他的样子,大概是随时要将纸条吞到肚子里去。我和我娘一看这皱皱巴巴、歪歪斜斜的“哥体”,就明白了他要在我家藏一阵子,因为当时日寇正在到处搜捕抗日青年。娄平在我家住了下来,“可能是他脸生得像扁桃,不由自主,我就叫他‘扁桃哥’了”。而这一情节,大哥黄宗江又是怎样回忆的呢?他说,娄平缘何要离开沦陷的北平呢?是因为同学孙道临的被捕(当然孙道临面对严刑什么也没说),就像后来他在电影《永不消逝的电波》所表演的那样。写到这儿,我们又可以回到杨振宁与娄平的话题上来了。正因为如此,杨振宁才树立了进步与爱国的思想,他一直把娄平当作知近的朋友,且以为对其理想以及他的事业与人生都产生了巨大的影响。 在本文采访结束时,记者想引用黄宗英写给娄平的一句话:义所当为,毅然为之。当然,还有王文娟(孙道临夫人)代表已故孙道临发出的心声:向道临在北平地下工作时的老战友致敬!无论如何,我们都应给当年在冀东抗战的勇士们一个崇高的敬礼。 ![]() Google will ditch Intel 它会抛弃英特尔 and uses its own chips, emceed the virtual runway 超越虚拟跑道 Indigenous 土生土长的,本地的 ,可以指美国印第安人,可以用于本地特产或本地特有动植物, 如Kangaroo is indigenous to Australia. The key to long term benefits is when your break your extended fast. DO NOT GORGE, take it easy and eat high quality veggies and proteins (preferably plant proteins). At the end of your fast your body is is high in HUMAN GROWTH HORMONES and will generate stem cells to rebuild organs and muscles。 不要狼吞虎咽地吃 Wall Street takes a breather after a big rally 喘一口气 The feasibility of staggered start times交错启动时间的可行性 asymptomatic cases seems to skyrocket, reportedly surpassing 90% during one outbreak 无症状病例的比例似乎直线上升 荒谬的问题(preposterous question) Generalities 概括的论述 Biden gave a solid speech decrying President Donald Trump and even getting specific-ish on what he'd do as president, 谴责川普 Pangolins 穿山甲 Perspiring 出汗 In the 124 years since its founding, Queens Public Library has demonstrated time and again the unique ability to meet the ever-changing needs of our communities, even in the face of adversity. We stand ready to deliver for the public amid unprecedented challenges and are eager to make our physical spaces and resources available again to them as safely and carefully as possible. We look forward to working with all of our stakeholders to confront and shape our new reality and to providing outstanding service as it continues to unfold. 我们期待与所有利益相关者共同面对并塑造我们的新现实,并在不断发展的过程中提供出色的服务。 I urge you to relax and unplug and truly enjoy your time off. Decompress 减压: Public service staff will be able to eat and decompress without having customers present during this time. Can a genuine change movement survive Trump's taunts?真正的变革运动能在特朗普的嘲讽中幸免吗 Former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday excoriated (严厉批评)President Donald Trump as a leader who "lies all the time" and denounced Republican lawmakers for not speaking out against him more. Bouncer 保镖 expiry date 到期日expiry notice Stocks are flat as Wall Street grapples with rising U.S.-China tensions, virus vaccine hopes美国股市持平,因华尔街正努力应对(扭打)美中关系日益紧张关系..... President Donald Trump commutes ally Roger Stone's prison sentence唐纳德·特朗普总统将盟友罗杰·斯通的刑期减刑 USA is the only countervailing force against China 对抗 cutting corners a lot 偷工减料 The U.S. is deflecting by blaming China美国指责中国是在转移注意力 Overbearing manner 专横跋扈的行使方式 UK economy shrinks by 2% in the first quarter as coronavirus lockdowns begin to take toll 造成损失 Virus explodes, economy implodes. It all happened so freaking fast 病毒爆炸,经济崩溃。 一切都发生得如此之快 separate the wheat from the chaff 去其糟粕,取其精华 Notification issued 05-08-2020 at 9:13 AM. In honor of the 75th anniversary of VE Day, 11 vintage WWII aircraft will be conducting a flyover along the Hudson River, over the Verrazzano Bridge, then eastbound over the Long Island Sound on 5/8 at 12:30 PM. The aircraft will fly at approximately 1,500 ft Apply twice a day topically. 局部敷用 Due to a track fire with a smoke condition, N train service is now suspended between ……….. CDC guidance for reopening shelved 被搁置
you can gauge what titles everyone will be asking about. 评估读者辉需要哪些书 NYC boaters, don't let the warm weather fool you. Water temperatures are still 45-55 degrees, and cold enough to be life-threatening. Dress for the water temperature, not the air temperature, and always wear a life jacket. dismal economic data 糟糕的经济数 Plunging sale销售下跌 Cleanliness at home can help stop the spread of coronavirus. Wash hands often; throw tissues in the garbage immediately; frequently clean surfaces you touch; do not share eating utensils.Cleanliness at home can help stop the spread of coronavirus. Wash hands often; throw tissues in the garbage immediately; frequently clean surfaces you touch; do not share eating utensils. Tesla ticks up as company ekes out profit 特斯拉因公司盈利而起色 Stocks extend surge, with Dow rallying 600 points to session high股市继续飙升,道琼斯指数上涨600点,创下日内新高 Ford projects adjusted pretax loss of $5 billion in the second quarter 预计 Household sells tank 21%, but price will hold up. 房屋销售下降21% Boeing burns through $43 billion. 烧掉$43亿美元。 Oil jumps 19%, clawing back some of the recent losses. 爪 The new drug flops in virus treatment 失败 new poll finds outsized impact in New Jersey 影响巨大 Plausible 看来合理的,可能合乎逻辑的 Be very wary about the data from usa, wary of liars and manipulators 警惕, 提防 to stave off collapse 防止坍塌, 避免崩溃 US crude plummets more than 20% as one analyst says the situation stateside is 'quite dire' 美国原油暴跌逾15%,一位分析师表示,美国局势“相当严峻” Weigh :权衡利弊 Fitness Total weighs bankruptcy. stalwart (loyal, reliable, and hardworking) player in the global system, 全球体系中坚定的参与者, parts of US where coronavirus cases in decline, testing ramped up 加速 Moratorium: temporary prohibition of an activity. ‘Seven out of nine of those communities have categorically rejected the lifting of the moratorium on oil and gas drilling,’ Cadman said. Moot point 争论的焦点 You will be able to incorporate changes into your work and capitalize on new opportunities.. In this course, you will apply strategies to mitigate the unsettling aspects of change. You will learn skills to help you cope with change and capitalize on it. Incorporate & Capitalize in the midst of change. It’s never easy dealing with conflict at work. But with practice, you can learn how to de-escalate a tense situation into a manageable one. Even standing too close could escalate the problem because it might make them feel cornered or threatened. If the argument is particularly heated, consider giving the other person some extra space, which may ease some of the tension. The other person could interpret these actions as aggressive, and they may react accordingly. As you explain your own perspective, focus on the facts of the disagreement. Don’t lie, exaggerate, or use insulting language. If the problem involves your feelings, explain how you feel in a professional manner. If you respond with yelling or an emotional outburst, your words might not register with the other person, and the situation will probably get worse.当您解释自己的观点时,请关注分歧的事实。 不要说谎,夸大或使用侮辱性的语言。 如果问题涉及您的感受,请以专业的方式解释您的感受。 如果您大喊大叫或情绪激动,那么另一方可能不会认真考虑你说的话,情况可能会变得更糟 If you talk over them or interrupt them, they may feel like you aren’t willing to hear their side. Mortgage forbearance(忍让) requests (申请延期偿还贷款)jump nearly 2,000% as borrowers seek relief during coronavirus outbreak The data in this report reflect events and activities as of April 6, 2020 at 5:30 PM. All data in this report are preliminary and subject to change as cases continue to be investigated. These data include cases in NYC residents and foreign residents treated in NYC facilities. Furlough: leave without pay **GE furloughs 50% of manufacturing workers as COVID-19 weighs. **In October, he was allowed home on a two-week furlough - and refused to go back Squawk 发牢骚 cnbc morning squawk Due to a misplaced truck, all westbound lanes of the Jackie Robinson Parkway are closed approaching Exit 6 in Queens. Consider alternate routes and allow for additional travel time. Lectern, Public Address System 讲台,公共广播系统 Avenatti convicted of trying to Extort Nike 敲诈,勒索,blackmail Due to a vehicle collision, expect extensive eastbound traffic delays on the Long Island Expressway at Maurice Avenue in Queens leavening agent 膨松剂, 发酵剂 Notification issued 01-14-2020 at 7:49 AM. Due to congestion, expect Manhattan-bound traffic delays on the RFK Bridge. Consider alternate routes and allow for additional travel time. gusty winds 阵风 expect extensive westbound traffic delays on the Grand Central Parkway at the Long Island Expressway in Queens. Consider alternate routes and allow for additional travel time. extensive experience 丰富的经验 Due to a disruptive passenger, G train service is suspended in both directions Bling 金光闪闪的,炫富的 Noun: expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry, or the wearing of them. “behind the bling: are diamonds worth it?” Adjective: denoting expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry, or the style or materialistic attitudes associated with them. “the bling lifestyle of diamond rings, flashy cars, and champagne” Inference 推论 Snow Squall Warning 雪灾预警 Stop and frisk 截住并搜身 The Mary Moody 95th Birthday Bash She is Recuperating from injuries. 正在恢复 Whether you’re looking to trade in your iPhone for a DSLR or are thinking about opening a side business to monetize your talent, There is off street parking. 可以街边停车. You might have all the qualifications in the world but if you don't have local stop experience in Australia sometimes your candidature might be turned down. Moreover a whopping 高达 32% of the population of Australia lives in 2 cities - Sydney and Melbourne. Historic landmark with an old-timey look. 古建筑风格 These classes are typically high on demand 需求量很大 and we are hoping that your customers will also take an interest. to wear the jersey of your favorite sports team. T-shirt, sweater, Please be reminded if the alarm panel reads communication failure you must call ISD after you secure the building. Now that spring is upon us and pollen is in air, please remember to change A/C Filters every two (2) to three (3) months. Also when doing high dusting to clean vents the intakes and the outtakes as well as the ceiling and walls around them on a weekly basis. Thank you. Richard Passade/SLC - lrr The National Weather Service has issued the following: What: Severe Thunderstorm Watch, Where: NYC, When: until 9 PM Hazards: Strong winds and heavy rain are possible. Strong winds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause power outages. Preparedness Actions: Exercise caution when walking, biking, or driving. Remain alert for threatening weather and possible warnings. Exercise caution when walking, biking, or driving. Remain alert for threatening weather and possible warnings. Due to an unauthorized person on the tracks, Long Island Rail Road service is suspended between Jamaica and Penn Station in both directions. Following a prior service disruption, A train service has resumed in both directions. Expect extensive residual delays. A Missing Vulnerable Adult Alert has been issued for Thomas Ross, a 65-year-old black male from Yonkers, NY. The missing has schizophrenia and may be in need of medical attention. Description: 5'7" tall, 150 lbs, with black hair and brown eyes. Last seen wearing a beige trench coat, black jeans, and black sneakers. Pro-bono service/program 无偿服务/节目 Notification issued 07-22-2019 at 10:40 PM. Due to an AC power failure, E, F, M, and R train service is suspended in both directions between Queens and Manhattan. Consider alternate routes and allow for additional travel time. For more information, please visit www.mta.info. What: Area Flood Advisory; Where: Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn ; When: Until 8:15 AM on 7/23 Hazards: Heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. Preparedness Actions: - Do not drive your vehicle or walk into areas where water covers the roadway as the water depth may be too great to allow you to cross safely. Move to higher ground. The National Weather Service has issued the following: What: Flash Flood Warning Hazards: Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of urban areas, highways, streets, and underpasses as well as other poor drainage areas and low-lying spots. If you lose power and have a disability/access needs, or use life sustaining equipment (LSE) and need immediate assistance, dial 911. Residential oil tanks in flooded basements may leak or rupture (破裂, 断裂, 裂开). If Hazards: Strong winds and heavy rain are expected. Strong winds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles(发射物, 抛射物), and cause power outages. Preparedness Actions: Exercise caution when walking, biking, or driving. Before an outage: Charge cell phones- Gather supplies- Turn refrigerators/freezers to a colder setting During an Outage:-Stay clear of downed power lines, -Turn off all appliances, -Keep refrigerator/freezer doors closed to prevent food spoilage -Do not use generators indoors A Silver Alert has been issued for Elthia Jones, a 75-year-old black female from the area of Grant Avenue and 165th Street in The Bronx. The missing has Alzheimer's and may be in need of medical attention. Description: 5'6" tall, 130 lbs, with black Notification issued 07-19-2019 at 6:15 PM. Due to a network communication issue, all 1,2,3,4,5,6 and S trains are suspended in both directions. Consider alternate routes and allow for additional travel time. For more information, please visit www.mta.info. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for New York City from 11AM to 11PM on 7/20. The previously issued advisory for 7/19 remains in effect until 11PM. Active children and adults, and people with respiratory problems such as asthma, should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors. For more information, visit the National Weather Service at https://www.weather.gov/okx/ or the Department of Environmental Conservation at https://on.ny.gov/nyaqi. Hazards: Extremely poor visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow with wind gusts up to 30 mph resulting in dangerous, life-threatening travel conditions. Preparedness Actions: - There is no safe place on a highway during a snow squall. Visibility and traction are immediately lost in whiteout conditions, making it difficult or impossible to slow down and avoid stopped vehicles. - Delay travel or safely exit the highway before the snow squall arrives. For the latest weather info: www.weather.gov/okx/. Drink plenty of water to ward off dehydration and when outside, remember to wear broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent UV damage to your skin (don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours). Notification issued 07-19-2019 at 11:50 AM. Opening fire hydrants without spray caps is illegal, wasteful and dangerous. Illegally opened hydrants can lower water pressure and put lives at risk if there is a fire. Children can also be at risk, because the powerful force of an open hydrant without a spray cap can cause serious injury. New Yorkers should call 3-1-1 to report open hydrants. Hydrants can be opened legally with a City-approved spray cap which can be obtained by an adult, 18 or over, free of charge, at local firehouses. Notification issued 07-19-2019 at 6:54 AM. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for New York Hazards: ….Preparedness Actions: Exercise caution Preparedness Actions: Gig: 演出 Her son’s gig was a success. Shenanigans: secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering. 心计,暗中谋算 Widespread financial shenanigans had ruined the fortunes of many。 Nothing new can faze Trump’s supporters. the African Diaspora 非洲侨民 Cardio 有氧运动 All pitched into redecorating the meeting room and transformed it into a haunted house for the children 所有人都投入重新装修会议 strobe lights 频闪灯 information from employee grapevine: 员工小道消息 As a mark of respect for the victims of the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, all flags shall be lowered to half-staff, beginning immediately, by order of the Mayor of the City of New York, Bill de Blasio. Flags will resume full-staff position at sunset on Wednesday, October 31, 2018. This includes all flags – the American flag, the New York State and City flags, and the POW-MIA flag – on all City buildings, as well as stationary flagstaffs throughout the five boroughs. Flags Lowered: Immediately Flags Returned to Full-Staff: sunset, Wednesday, October 31, 2018. For Queens Library staff, first thing Thursday Morning is fine. Glamorous 迷人的;艳丽的:most glamorous woman; glamorous camping The downside is that there are more newspapers to check in this morning Anthocyanins 花青素 (洋葱中含25种花青素) Volatile, fickle, fugitive, mercurial = changeful 波动大的 Debrief, debriefing, debriefing session: Together they debriefed their two colleagues. 汇报,汇报会。 他们一起向两个同事汇报。 Crutch 骨折病人用的大拐杖 Since missing papers are now few and far between Unflustered : 从容不迫 during frenzied periods Staycation: a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions. (1)“Raymond Miles, 41, a grocery manager who lives in the Bronx, ended up on an unplanned staycation last week.” (2) Rediscover Queens on your next staycation with 111 Places in Queens That You Must Not Miss. Two machines reported out of service. Please let me know if you are missing any papers. The Corona book return was down and bags left at front entrance. Second day in a row. Thanks for constantly lighting up the dull days with your spunk. 感谢你不断用你的勇气点亮沉闷的日子。 Sustained winds of 20-25 mph with gusts(阵风) up to 50 mph expected. All staff should initial a copy of the meeting notes 所有工作人员都应该提供一份会议记录 Implicit bias 隐性偏见 , explicit sexual remarks 明目张胆的性言论 lynchpin 关键人物 Cathartic: 宣泄 providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong Extenuating circumstances 情有可原的情况 Exceptional leaders are always in demand. Flip-flops 人字拖鞋 Paprika: chilli, hot pepper A few glitches today; A Broken/Feisty Heart 易怒的 鸢 [yuan] glede, 鸟的一种 Covenant 联盟 Spew out water Canapes: a small piece of bread or pastry with a savory topping, often served with drinks at a reception or formal party. 小吃 Vestibule : an antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building. entrance hall, hall, hallway, entrance, porch, portico, foyer, lobby, anteroom, narthex, antechamber. Potluck-get-together party 每个人带一样菜的聚会 The world lies in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and who take the risk of living out their dreams - each according to his or her own talent. 按图索骥的找过去,就是维也纳的纳旭市场(Naschmarkt) Once the torrential rain subsides 当大雨平息/变小些。 Expeditiously, 迅速地 Instrumental in helping the library overall management He (Joseph Strauss, designer of the Golden Gate Bridge) is interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale) in The Great Mausoleum, Sanctuary of Meditation, Crypt 6281: 他被埋葬在森林草坪纪念公园(格伦代尔)在大陵墓,冥想圣所,地穴6281 Coeducational and non-denominational institution: 男女同校和非教派机构。 Meticulous, 细致, 细心, 经心, 殷, 顾虑, 周到的 Hitchhikers 旅行者, 搭便车的 Latrines (野外露营地的简易厕所)。 其它表达:bathroom, toilet, washroom, restroom, lavatory, loo, lav, water closet (WC) Deface (污损) Fidgety 手忙脚乱(好) Motown revue (滑稽剧) Recusal 回避 Slacks 休闲裤 self-inflicted gunshot: Steven Stephens has died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. 向自己开枪 hors d'oeuvres: hearty hors d'oeuvres: a small savory dish, typically one served as an appetizer at the beginning of a meal. “Some of my favorite food at parties falls under the category of hors d'oeuvres and appetizers.” 好吃的开胃菜 Expect residual delays: Notification issued 3/16/17 at 9:35 AM. Following a prior closure, all lanes of the Brooklyn bound Williamsburg Bridge have reopened. 由于慢行而形成的堵塞。 Following an earlier suspension, all LIRR service has resumed with residual delays. Testicular 睾丸 Cadavers, = corpse, remains, carcass Schizophrenia 精神分裂 Instigator 始作俑者 Lucid - playful in an aimless way: the ludic behavior of kittens. underpinnings of our culture 我们文化的底蕴 Dudgeon [dazhen] 极其愤怒: a feeling of offense or resentment; anger: We left in high dudgeon. 2/22/17 empyreal(pertaining to the sky; celestial) blue:The even rows of white clouds folded like crests of waves on the empyreal(pertaining to the sky; celestial) blue. Procurement 采购 talked over somebody 正说话时他抢话 Trump talked over Todd, the NBC host. Tod 正说话时他抢话 (11/29/15. Trump won’t take back his remark on Muslims in NJ cheered on 9-11 disaster.) In respect & honor of the memory of our Fallen Veterans, we ask all Residents & Visiting Custodians to take the required time to lower all American Flags to half-staff before you leave on vacation or before your departure on Friday, May 22nd. 降半旗 **All flags should be lowered and flown at half-staff until Monday, June 1 , 2015.This week we experienced a unique event – reopening the last Sandy-ravaged library for public use. This was a milestone for us, and certainly for the community. As you may recall, we were one of the first organizations to provide services to that community after Sandy – our book mobile was on site 4 days after the storm! And now we have delivered an amazing and beautifully restored building to the community, better than ever. A Community Board member noted that the restoration of the library gives hope to the entire community that the recovery is ongoing and we are a beacon of hope and community spirit. We had over 1,000 people visit on Tuesday!THANK YOU to all that have been part of this incredible effort, from the first days after the storm, to the lengthy process of negotiating with insurance companies, the City and FEMA, working with elected officials and donors -- to our dedicated and loyal front line and public service staff that patiently and professionally provided services from two mobile units and to our capital and facilities, library services/operational facility planning, LSM, collection development/acquisitions, IT, procurement/H&S, GCA/Marketing, HR, and IAD teams who have kept the sites safe and secure, planned, designed and rebuilt the space and ensured the site was ready for service– to everyone for their part in this (I hope I haven’t left anyone out! My apologies if I have – I know how hard everyone has worked.) It was an incredible team effort and you have my sincere appreciation for making it possible to open on August 18th. I can’t wait to celebrate on Sept. 8th with all of our stakeholders. I am so proud of Queens Library and our incredible staff!; BridgetThe Nation's biggest and most pressing challenges. 全美最大和最紧迫的挑战To swap Sunday service datesfunny, touching, or bizarre encounters with our customers. Were there strange, wacky donations, As of June 30th your car must be moved unless otherwise notified.In the future I will try to schedule meetings with more lead time, however that is not always an option. 今后我会更提前规定会议时间, 但有时不太可能这样做。quorum : LEGALLY REQUIRED NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO PASS A BILLwe surmise because we’re in the heart of summer 猜测
tending to promote peace or reconciliation; peaceful or conciliatory.今读“红色生活史”见一首毛诗,是他为劝说一位没文化的老红军与一位来延安的学生不要离婚写的打油诗:“春花秋月枉多情,天上人间两画饼;寒来花月不能衣,饥时一饼胜千金”。5/1/2019 |
Quotes |
"It will be hard to find someone with Merv's irenic qualities," the dean said, "and a peacemaker is what we need in this diocese."-- Madeleine L'Engle, A Severed Wasp, 1983 |
Lucy, falsely believing that she has a friend in Fanny
spic and span 干干净净 spotlessly clean and well looked after.
I have to get my apartment spick and span
Forlorn; forlornly 神情落寞
Ultimatum: 最后通牒 = take-it-or-leave-it deal (statement), a threat
Tom on recalling staff:I am very pleased to share with you that each and every person on the Preferred List has been recalled and invited back to work at Queens Library. These employees’ positions were, unfortunately, eliminated in 2010 due to budget cutbacks. Some employees had already been reinstated and now each employee on the Preferred List will receive word that their jobs are waiting for them here at Queens Library. I have been looking forward to this day for a very long time.
The increase in public service staff, the first one in many years, is made possible through the stabilization and increasing of our City funding for this fiscal year. It is the first time we have seen an increase in many years, and it is a tremendous turning point we can all share in celebrating.
I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you for the work you do every day. It’s great to be able to welcome these valuable members of the team back to the Queens Library!
Tom Galante
project is still a couple of years out, but ... 虽然这项工程是一两年以后的事,
As winter approaches, this is a good time to review extreme weather procedures so that our staff and customers stay safe and informed, and we are able to continue customer service as much as possible.
If the Library closes due to inclement weather or for any other emergency, the library’s senior managers do their best to make the decision as early as possible to avoid unnecessary travel by our staff. An emergency closing announcement will be posted at the Central Library’s main phone number (718-990-0700). Call this number and an emergency closing message will play if the Library will be closed due to an emergency. Also, an emergency closing message will appear on the Library’s homepage. An email will be sent to all staff, as well, for those who are able to access their email, and we will post the information on various social media channels.
If it is necessary to close earlier than usual because of developing weather, we will post an announcement on 718-990-0700, post a notice on the website and contact each agency to make sure they are aware of the early closing.
You should know that generally, the Library is open unless the Mayor issues a statement encouraging all non-emergency personnel to stay home or if mass transit borough-wide is halted due to the weather. Individual locations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The City’s Office of Emergency Management issues alerts and posts information that is important for your personal preparedness and safety. Please check the website at www.nyc.gov/oem and encourage your library customers to stay up-to-date.
Thank you in advance.
Just a reminder that flags should be flown at half-staff until January 25. On January 26, flags should be flown at full-staff.
As you aware September 11th is our national Patriot Day; on this day the American flag is flown at half-staff
memorabilia 大事记
stash: Ask yourself if you are truly hungry before you even step into the kitchen or dip into your snack stash. 洞,藏身处,隐藏地点(名词)
Readies a stable for us air force fighter 为美国空军战斗机建个机库
Nagaimo 山药 (yam); Napa 绍菜
Intermittent stopping or ceasing for a time; stopping and beginning again; recurrent.
sandal 拖鞋
seltzer 苏打水(healthy as water)
Waffle: He was waffled when he is asked about his outside job. 胡说
gaffe-noun fault, error, lapse, wrong |
Auspicious 吉祥的 |
过失 |
Spank : Thomas G., director of QL, is experiencing public spanking. 扇巴掌
Pelt : attack, assault X A City Council committee pelted the Queens Library C.E.O. with questions today about his salary and use of public funds, following a Daily News report that he spent $140,000 of taxpayer funds on renovations for his office while two Rockaway library branches remain shuttered after being devastated by Hurricane Sandy over a year ago 攻击。
Aurora borealis 北极光; | sequoias 红杉树
Celebrate the holiday season; Enjoy an evening of fun and festivities!
Orthopedic doc 骨科医生
Memorabilia 重要事件纪念物
Baselined: Another piece of good news is that our budget for this year has been "baselined." 被确定为底线 以后不能再少。 What does this mean? It means that going forward, we will not have to advocate to get the same level of funding we currently have. The starting point for budget negotiations is where we are right now.
We continually strive to improve our work.
We deeply care about the opinions
most discerning customers: 最挑剔的顾客
Over the next several weeks, your library may be visited by “Talking Transition” staff who will ask to briefly canvass(拉票游说助选) people coming and in and out of the library. They are especially interested in reaching out to Adult Learners and new Americans, to encourage them to participate in the democratic process. Please extend Queens Library’s courtesy and hospitality. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, reach out to CLS at 718-990-0750 or call LSM at 718-990-0707.
Podiatrist: foot doctor
Perjury 伪证
purgatory: 炼狱
litany: a ceremonial or liturgical form of prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications with responses that are the same for a number in succession.
A prolonged or tedious account: We heard the whole litany of their complaints. Synonyms : list, catalog, enumeration. 一连串的
Relinquish: 放弃
Rave: The audience are raving about the show. 观众对演出赞誉有加。
1。 胡言乱语 |
2。 敬服 |
admire, delight, applaud, eulogize, marvel, rave |
2。 敬服 |
admire, delight, applaud, eulogize, marvel, rave |
Filibuster 阻扰议事
Neocon 新保守主义
diatribe : 诽谤 defamation; aspersion; libel, slander, calumny, vilification,
postmortem 尸检,对失败的事件的反思
Incognito 匿名的 ,anonymous
maven: 行家 *fashion maven时尚行家
Cordon, cordoned: 拉警戒线
Sordid 污秽的
Vascular, vein, artery 血管
Get ready, get set and have fun! 准备好了,准备就绪了,轻松开始吧!
Snippet 片断
Ubiquitous 到处可见的
Dementia 痴呆
Weaning 断奶
Obfuscate – obfuscated 不知所措,混淆
line-height 指两行之间的距离:{line-height:150%; font-color:black;}
<span id="heart">♥</span>:出现红心图案。♥ 这个格式有很多图案
Bracket 各类括号的总称,如 ( )【 】 『 』 { }
Brace 大括号 { left brace; } right brace
Inclement weather 恶劣天气
Optimal 最佳的: * to deliver optimal public services 最佳的服务
Munificence 特别慷慨: the quality of being munificent, or showing unusual generosity: The museum's collection was greatly increased by the munificence of the donor’s family's gift.
In order to bring some sunshine into your day and put a small smile on your face, please stop by MCD the next time you are in CEL. We have a small gift for Managing Librarians. Thanks.
Nattered 数落,瞎扯,没玩没了地说: to talk incessantly; chatter. |
…scholars nattered away at one another on such matters as the propriety of starting a vocal trill from the upper note, and a critics' convocation nattered back. -- Alan Rich, "The Desiccation of 'Poppea'," New York, June 15, 1981 |
Started collecting new words…...
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