民族政策 - 失败政策 《本网评论员》 03/06/2014 法治面前人人平等。别搞什么民族政策。最好的民族政策就是没有民族政策,各个民族在国家事务中一律平等。每个人都是共和国的公民,公民个体人人平等。取消给个别民族的高考加分,就业优先,生育不受独生子女政策限制和减免税务等优惠政策。现行“少数民族政策”实际上是对“多数民族”汉族人民赤裸裸的歧视。中国民族政策是矮化自己的失败政策。 【英译】Everyone is equal under the rule of law. Stop those "nationalities policies". The best nationality policy is no specific policy. Let every nationality stand on equal footing in all matters of the country. Every person is a citizen of the republic. Each individual citizen is totally equal in everything. Abolish the current policies such as enrolling more minority nationality students with lower academic standards; giving priority employment opportunities to minority nationality job seekers; minority people exempt from the one-child policy and many tax relieves endorsed in favor of the minority nationalities. These policies are in fact naked discriminations of the "majority nationality" - the Nan people. The Chinese "nationality policy" dwarfs the government itself and is a policy of failure indeed. |