--- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康 Health Articles 《AARP》 1/15/2016 How to Keep Clean in Flu Season: 1. Wiping surfaces, especially those that are touched frequently such as door knobs/handles, bathroom surfaces, light switches, counter and table tops, computer keyboards, faucets, and phones, doesn’t necessarily kill germs, but it removes them and lowers the risk of spreading germs. 2. Use approved Library cleaning products safely to kill germs especially in the bathrooms. 3. Use blood borne pathogen procedures when cleaning up surfaces or objects soiled with body fluids or blood. Use appropriate gloves, goggles, or masks and discard the soiled materials appropriately. 4. Handle waste properly by not touching disposable items or used tissue with your bare hands. 5. Most importantly, use proper hand washing by using soap and water after removing your gloves, emptying waste baskets, or after cleaning surfaces. 5. Rinse mouth and gargle with salt water T
可预防疾病的各种蔬菜 1. 红薯; 2. 西红柿(番茄); 3. 洋白菜(甘蓝类); 4. 胡萝卜和南瓜类; 5. 大蒜; 6. 芹菜和茭白。 |