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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Title: In Photos: The Singapore State Visit

Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 am: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

3:20 pm: The President participates in a Young African Leaders Initiative town hall WATCH HERE

7:00 pm: The Vice President will deliver remarks at the World Affairs Council in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania HEAR THE REMARKS


President Obama Has Now Commuted the Sentences of More People than the Past Nine Presidents Combined

We are a nation of second chances. Today, President Obama granted clemency to 214 Americans incarcerated under outdated and unduly harsh sentencing laws. Since taking office, President Obama has issued more commutations than the previous nine presidents combined and more commutations than any individual president in nearly a century.



  More from 1600 Penn

The Official Singaporean State Visit: The President Welcomes Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to the White House

After more than 30 years since the country's last official state visit, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made an official visit to the White House yesterday. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed Prime Minister Lee and his wife, Mrs. Lee, to our nation's capitol -- eight years after he visited the country during his first year in office.

Check out the Instagram takeover of @WhiteHouse by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong yesterday.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Hello everyone, Lee Hsien Loong (@leehsienloong) here-Singapore's Prime Minister. I'm in DC on an official visit. We'll be meeting President Obama and several of your Cabinet members. We are also deeply honoured to be invited to a State Dinner in the White House.

The US and Singapore enjoy a close and longstanding friendship. We cooperate in many areas, from defense to trade. Stay tuned today as the White House and I do a mutual takeover of our Instagram accounts! -LHL


Major General Bradley Becker, Sherri Becker, and Ambassador Peter Selfridge (the Chief of Protocol) after paying my respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Snapped this photo of Kate Kelley (Superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery), Major General Bradley Becker, Sherri Becker, and Ambassador Peter Selfridge (the Chief of Protocol) after paying my respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We in Singapore honor the valor and sacrifices of US soldiers, and are grateful for their role in keeping the Asia Pacific, and the world, stable and peaceful. -LHL #SGUS50

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at Singapore State Arrival

Thank you America for the warm welcome this morning! It is a big honor for us to celebrate how far our peoples have come together. When I travel abroad, I try to meet Singaporeans who are living there. In the US, I have encountered our citizens all over the country. They are living, working or studying here, in big cities and small towns, contributing to their communities. It's a good reminder that our ties are not just about government or company business, but thrive in the hearts and souls of our people. -LHL #SGUS50

Crowd at Singapore State Arrival

It was fun to meet the crowd at the Arrival Ceremony this morning. Lots of happy faces! :) (Photo by me) -LHL

President Obama and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Over 50 years of diplomatic ties, Singapore and the United States have developed strong partnerships in many areas-defense, trade, education, R&D. Underpinning it all is our close people-to-people ties, and the warm friendship between our peoples. So it's fitting to mark our 50th year of ties with a scholarship for US and Singapore students to do summer exchange programs in each other's countries. We have come far together-may our relationship grow from strength to strength over the next 50 years, and beyond. -LHL #SGUS50

  Quote of the Day

"Over the past seven and a half years, I've worked to transform America's relationship with Africa -- so that we're equal partners."







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