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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Saturday, September 12, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day

Weekly Address: A New College Scorecard

In this week's address, the President announced the launch of a new College Scorecard, meant to help students and parents identify which schools provide the biggest bang for their buck. Designed with input from those who will use it most, the Scorecard offers reliable data on factors important to prospective students, such as how much graduates earn, and how much debt they have when they graduate.

In an economy where some higher education is still the surest ticket to the middle class, the choices that Americans make when searching for and selecting a college have never been more important. That’s why the President is committed to making sure there exists reliable information that helps students find the college that best fits their needs so that they can succeed.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here

Watch the Weekly Address.

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Anniversary of 9/11: A Day for Patriotism and Service

To mark the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, President Obama asked all Americans to observe the day as an officially designated Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, with acts of selflessness and charity.

POTUS and FLOTUS observe a moment of silence

On Friday morning, the President, the First Lady, and members of White House staff gathered on the South Lawn to observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. EDT -- the time that the first airplane struck the World Trade Center.

"14 years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, we honor those we lost. We salute all who serve to keep us safe. We stand as strong as ever." -President Obama via @POTUS



Follow Along with President Obama's 2015 Back-to-School Tour

Over the course of the next week and a half, Administration officials are hitting the road for schools and communities across the country.

POTUS and Dr. Biden board Air Force One

The President, the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, and Secretary Arne Duncan are traveling across the country to highlight the need for affordable, quality career and education choices for students, and discussing how we can provide all Americans with the skills and knowledge they need to get ahead.Learn more about this week's announcements here.

Ryan Robinson -- a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and now Associate Director of Public Engagement at the White House -- shared his perspective on the importance of giving deserving Americans the opportunity to attend community college for free.



Troop Talk: Saluting Our Troops in 9/11 Town Hall

President Obama participated in a town hall meeting at Maryland's Fort Meade with service members, in honor of the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Learn more about the Iran Deal

Taking questions in person, via phone, video conference and social media the President answered troop questions on a range of issues from cyber security to the fight against the Islamic State..



West Wing Week: 09/11/2015 or, "Heads Up America"

This week, the President welcomed to the White House the Saudi Arabian king, champions in athletic excellence, and awardees in artistic prowess. He also traveled to Massachusetts and Michigan. That's September 4th to September 10th or, "Heads Up America."

Watch West Wing Week here







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