美国富豪遗嘱给餐馆服务员10万美元小费 据外媒12日报道,美国一名亿万富翁生前非常喜欢到一家餐馆用餐,他在遗嘱中,给曾为自己服务数十年的两名女服务员留下10万美元(约合62万元人民币)。 85岁的安思远(Robert Ellsworth)去年8月去世,他是一名亚洲艺术品收藏家,一生痴迷中国艺术,有“中国古董教父”之称。因为在明式家具收藏研究上的建树,他被称为“明朝之王”。他甚至不知道两名女服务员的姓氏,只知道她们都叫莫林。 两名年龄分别为53岁与28岁的服务员,在这家位于曼哈顿的牛排店,为埃尔斯沃斯服务了十余年或数十年。 安思远非常喜欢到这家餐馆就餐,几乎每天都去,8顿饭中7顿在这家餐馆吃。莫林说,这里就是他的餐厅。 莫林说,当她听到埃尔斯沃斯最后给她们留下的巨额小费,感觉非常震惊,根本都不相信是真的。 餐馆的雇员卡洛斯说,安思远吃饭后从来不看账单,都付出午餐60到80美元,晚饭最高可能达220美元餐费中的20%作为小费。 安思远是著名的中国明朝家具、现代中国绘画与古玉等方面的收藏专家,据估计身家达2亿美元。之所以被称为“教父”,原因在于他对中国古董的收藏以及中国传统文化的了解是很多现当代国内收藏家都无法相比的。 安思远一生钟情于中国艺术,收藏门类丰富,涵盖铜像、碑帖、家具、书画等,曾有幸拜访他家的人无不赞叹那里简直是“一座小型的博物馆”。他对中国艺术品的研究也是具有前瞻性的,在20世纪五六十年代即开始有意识地收藏研究明清硬木家具,并于1971年出版了《中国家具——明代与清早期的硬木实例》一书。 因为在明式家具收藏研究上的建树,安思远被称为“明朝之王”。他离世的消息一经传出,国内外文博和收藏界的人士纷纷表示哀悼和惋惜,原苏富比教育学院中国区首席代表、资深艺术品市场顾问、收藏家梁晓新甚至称:“西方收藏中国艺术的时代也宣告行将结束”。 【英文报道】 RESTAURANT CUSTOMER LEAVES WAITRESSES $50,000 'TIP' IN WILLTuesday, May 12, 2015 07:11AM
Waitress Maureen Barrie knew regular costumer Robert Ellsworth's favorite: the open-faced grilled cheese with bacon. What she didn't know was that he had a couple favorite waitresses, who he left $50,000 each in his will.Ellsworth, a self-made millionaire art mogul, remembered Barrie -- and her niece, also named Maureen Barrie -- after he passed away. Both women work at Donohue's Steak House in New York's Upper East Side, which Ellsworth frequented. "Very down-to-earth, very nice, he'd help anybody," the elder Barrie said. "At Christmastime he'd tip the entire staff, from the dishwasher right out to the buspeople." As famous as the self-made multimillionaire was in the Asian art market, his humble demeanor was equally extraordinary. Known as "The King of Ming," Ellsworth never graduated high school and requested everyone call him "Bob." His estate came in around $200 million. Another Donohue's regular, James Meiskin, said the place was like a second home to Ellsworth. "It was definitely an extension of his house, and his family," he said. Next door at Barbaresco, they loved him, too! He would drive up in his limo, come in and sit with his driver for dinner. No money was left to anyone there, though. In the meantime, Barrie admits there is something she would like more than the $50,000. "You know," she said, "I'd much rather have him here than have the money."
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