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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Weekly Address: Middle-Class Economics

In this week's address, the President shared his plan, outlined in his State of the Union address earlier this week, to give hardworking families the support they need to make ends meet by focusing on policies that benefit the middle class and those working to reach the middle class.

Through common-sense proposals like closing loopholes that benefit the wealthy and providing tax relief to the middle class, making two years of community college free for responsible students, strengthening paid leave policies and access to quality child care for working families, and raising the minimum wage, we can ensure that everyone benefits from, and contributes to, America's success.

Middle-class economics is working, and we have laid a new foundation, but there is still progress to be made, and the President said he is eager to get to work.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch President Obama's address here.

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To see more of the week's highlights, check out the latest edition of West Wing Week.





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