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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Monday, January 2, 2015


Look Inside the President's Budget:

In case you missed it, the President released his budget for fiscal year 2016 this morning.

Today, we're able to communicate with more Americans than ever before, which means our budget presentation looks like a little different than it did decades ago. From the budget now being easier to navigate and share online, to our interactive way to actually "see" the budget, this year's budget is much different than those of years past.

See what's new, and dig into the budget that makes the investments necessary to keep America growing.

Take a look at the President's Fiscal Year 2016 budget.

  Top Stories

Weekly Address: A Path Towards a Thriving Middle Class

In his weekly address, the President described the progress that our economy has made and laid a foundation for a future that prioritizes middle-class economics. His FY2016 budget will reverse harmful sequestration cuts and instead make paychecks go further, create good jobs here in the United States, and prepare hardworking Americans to earn higher wages.


West Wing Week: "Namaste Obama"

Last week, the President made history by being the first sitting President to make a second visit to India, and also traveled to Saudi Arabia to pay his respects to the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. Back at home, the President convened a meeting with U.S. mayors and honored outgoing Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.


Precision Medicine Is Already Working to Cure Americans: These Are Their Stories

On Friday, the President introduced his new Precision Medicine Initiative, which will help deliver the right treatment to the right patient at the right time. While it's an emerging approach to promoting health and treating disease, precision medicine is not new. It's already saving lives and giving those in the medical field better options.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:55 AM: The President delivers remarks on the FY2016 budget at the Department of Homeland Security

12:45 PM: The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

12:45 PM: Press Conference by Senior Administration Officials

2:10 PM: The President honors the 2014 NHL Champion Los Angeles Kings and the 2014 MLS Cup Champion LA Galaxy





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