What Would Happen If House Republicans Actually Repealed the Affordable Care Act?
Yesterday, House Republicans voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act yet again -- they've tried and failed more than 50 times. Given the sheer number of times they've tried to repeal the legislation, you may be wondering: What would happen if they actually succeeded?
Why Republicans in Congress Should Not Play Politics with the Security of the American People
On Monday, President Obama addressed congressional Republicans' plan to let funding expire for the Department of Homeland Security. Watch the President's remarks, and learn how his budget keeps Americans like you safe.
Kicking Off Black History Month at the White House
As a nation, we pause this February to honor Black History Month and all those who came before us. Throughout the month, the White House will pay tribute both to the accomplishments of some of our country's greatest historical giants, while also taking time to highlight some of the lesser-known stories in our nation's past.