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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House


Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Behind the Lens: Selma, 50 Years Later

On Saturday, Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza accompanied the First Family to Selma, Alabama for the 50th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday."

"I couldn't help but think of the photographs taken by Charles Moore and other brave photojournalists 50 years ago," he said. "Their photographs, taken ostensibly for daily and weekly publications, have now become powerful images for history."

This weekend, Souza captured beautiful pictures from President Obama's speech, his interactions with some of the original "foot soldiers" from 1965, and this year's march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge -- powerful images that will undoubtedly hold their own special place in history.

Take a look at the incredible photos from this weekend, and pass them on.

See the photos from the President's visit to Selma.

The President hugs Rep. John Lewis after his introduction. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

  Top Stories

Watch: The President and the First Lady Reflect on Selma

During their visit to Selma this weekend, the President and First Lady sat down to talk about the significance of the occasion. Watch their candid reflections here.


President Obama Launches TechHire

Yesterday, speaking to nearly 2,000 local leaders at the National League of Cities annual meeting, President Obama announced his TechHire initiative -- a new campaign to work with communities to get more Americans rapidly trained for good-paying technology jobs.


Weekly Address: Let Girls Learn

Last week, the President and the First Lady announced "Let Girls Learn," a whole-of-government initiative that will build on investments we have made and successes we have achieved in global primary school education, and expand them to help adolescent girls complete their education and pursue their broader aspirations.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President signs a presidential memorandum, A Student Aid Bill of Rights to Help Ensure Affordable Loan Repayment

10:00 AM: The Vice President attends an event for the Democratic National Committee

10:20 AM: The President departs the White House

10:35 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews

12:15 PM: The President arrives Atlanta, GA

1:30 PM: The President delivers remarks at Georgia Tech WATCH LIVE

4:30 PM: The President participates in a DNC roundtable

6:05 PM: The President departs Atlanta, GA

7:35 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

7:50 PM: The President arrives the White House






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