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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Weekly Address: Reaching a Comprehensive and Long-Term Deal on Iran's Nuclear Program

In this week's address, the President described the historic understanding the United States -- with our allies and partners -- reached with Iran, which, if fully implemented, will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and will make our country, our allies, and our world safer.

The deal, announced on Thursday, meets our core objectives of cutting off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. It is both comprehensive and long-term, and includes robust and intrusive inspections of the country's nuclear program. The President reiterated that the deal is not yet done -- and if there is backsliding from Iran in the months to come, there will be no deal.

He echoed his belief that a diplomatic resolution is by far the best option, and promised to continue to fully brief Congress and the American people on the substance and progress of the negotiations in the months to come.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch President Obama's address here.

  Top Stories

Dedicating the Edward M. Kennedy Institute

On Monday, the President, Vice President, and First Lady traveled to Boston to celebrate the opening of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate.

Find out more about the Edward M. Kennedy Institute.

Calling Sen. Kennedy a friend to whom he owed a lot, President Obama delivered a speech paying tribute to the late Senator's accomplishments. The President also acknowledged the many ways in which the Institute would impact future generations and carry on Sen. Kennedy's legacy.


Granting Commutations to 22 Individuals

On Tuesday, President Obama granted 22 commutations to individuals serving time in federal prison. The President's action underscores his commitment to bring increased fairness and equality to our justice system. Had these people been sentenced under current laws and policies, many of them would have already served their time. However, they were convicted under outdated sentencing and served more years than would be required under current law.

In addition to granting commutation, the President also penned a letter to each individual to encourage them to make good choices moving forward:

Learn more about the 22 commutations.


Promoting Innovative Job-Training Programs

President Obama traveled to Louisville, Kentucky on Thursday to discuss how high-quality job-training programs are critical to the growth of our nation's economy. In fact, more than half a million current job openings are in the tech industry. While in Louisville, the President toured InDatus, a technology company that supports innovative job-training programs.

Watch the President's remarks in Louisville.


This week also marked the fifth anniversary of our West Wing Week video series -- check out the special birthday edition here!






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