Another Step Toward Equality for LGBT Workers
Back in July, President Obama signed an Executive Order concerning LGBT workplace discrimination -- and today, it goes into effect. This prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, ensuring a more dynamic and inclusive workforce.
In Pictures: The White House Easter Egg Roll
On Monday, President Obama and the First Lady welcomed more than 35,000 guests to the South Lawn for the 137th-annual White House Easter Egg Roll. This year's theme was #GimmeFive to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the First Lady's Let's Move! Initiative. Take a look at our photo highlights.
A Cup of Tea with the President
The Portland-based Stash Tea Company is just one of the many small businesses that depend on trade in order to expand, hire more employees, and spread their Made in the USA product to more regions of the globe. That's why President Obama invited the owner of Stash Tea along with other small business leaders to the White House last month for a roundtable to discuss how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would help lift trade barriers.