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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Friday, May 15, 2015

Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

11:00 AM: The President delivers remarks at the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service WATCH LIVE

  From the Photo Office

A Meeting at Camp David:

The President meets with GCC leaders.

President Barack Obama shakes hands with His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait, as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) leaders prepare to have a group photo with the President outside of the Laurel Cabin at the conclusion of a summit meeting at Camp David, Md., May 14, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

See more from our "Photo of the Day" gallery here.

  More from 1600 Penn

Must Watch: 5 of Our Favorite Obama Administration Commencement Addresses

As the President prepares to head to Connecticut to deliver the address to the United States Coast Guard Academy's graduating class of 2015 next week, we decided to pull together a few of our favorite commencement addresses from Administration officials.


3 Important Thoughts the President Shared on Poverty in America:

On Tuesday, President Obama traveled to Georgetown University to sit down with Harvard professor Robert Putnam and American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks to share his views on poverty in America. The President also outlined what we can do to ensure every American -- no matter who they are, where they come from, or where they live -- has access to the opportunities they deserve.


What You Need to Know About the New Contraception Guidance:

This week, the Obama administration took important steps to eliminate any ambiguity around the reforms that the Affordable Care Act calls for. Under the law, most insurers must now cover at least one form of birth control with no out-of-pocket expenses in each identified category.


  Quote of the Day

"You have impacted my family in ways that are priceless and I can not thank you enough."

  Question of the Week

Poverty and Opportunity in Your Community: What Are You Seeing?

This week, we asked you to talk about the pressing issues in your own community related to poverty and opportunity, and what steps you think we can take to expand opportunity for more people.

Here's a look at what you told us:

"I live in a rural county in Central Texas. People here have little access to good jobs because of the lack of public transportation. There aren't many jobs available in the small towns in our county, and most are very low wage jobs. We need a way for our people, particularly our young people, to get training for good blue-collar skilled jobs, and the transportation to get to the training centers, and then when they graduate, the jobs."

-- Rochelle from Franklin, TX

"There's very little manufacturing in my community. By eliminating the shipment of jobs overseas, we would create more trainee jobs for young people and regain our manufacturing capability."

-- Roman from Surprise, AZ

"Our country needs to encourage companies that are looking to expand, to look at rural areas for locations to do so in...Our country needs to penalize those who moved to foreign countries and grow our manufacturing base back to old days. Every American should be able to have a job and be productive."

-- Richard from Emporia, VA

If you haven't joined the conversation yet, it's not too late. Tell us how these issues are playing out in your community, and how you think we can continue expanding opportunity for more Americans.






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