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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House


Saturday, May 23, 2015


Weekly Address: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day

In this week's address, the President commemorated Memorial Day by paying tribute to the men and women in uniform who have given their lives in service to our country.

The President will spend the first Memorial Day since the end of the war in Afghanistan at Arlington Cemetery, remembering the more than 2,200 American patriots who gave their lives in that conflict, as well as all of our fallen soldiers. The President asked that all Americans spend Monday honoring the memory and sacrifice of those heroes, and remain committed to the cause of freedom and the country for which they fought.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch the President's address here.

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Introducing @POTUS: President Obama's Twitter Account

On Monday, with a tweet from the Oval Office, President Obama launched @POTUS -- the official Twitter account of the President of the United States.

The President writes his first tweet.

The @POTUS Twitter account will serve as a new way for President Obama to engage directly with the American people, with tweets coming exclusively from him. President Obama is committed to making his Administration the most open and participatory in history, and @POTUS will give Americans a new venue to engage on the issues that matter most to them.


Why President Obama Is Taking Steps to Demilitarize Local Police Forces

This week, President Obama traveled to Camden, New Jersey -- a city that has struggled with one of the nation's highest violent crime rates. Dedicated to building a stronger, safer community, the Camden County Police Department and the community have worked together to help police do their jobs more safely, to reduce crime, and to create more economic opportunity in communities that have been saddled with a history of isolation.

Watch the President's remarks here.

While in Camden, the President discussed the efforts his Administration is taking to end practices that stress community-police relations and promote practices that build more trust between a community and its police force.


President Obama Addresses the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s Class of 2015

On Wednesday, President Obama traveled to New London, Connecticut to give the commencement address to the class of 2015 at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

Watch President Obama's commencement address here.

The President thanked the Coast Guardsmen cadets for embarking on a life of dedication to service, achievement, and purpose. He told them how much America needs them: in times of disaster or distress, in dangerous places around the world, and on the frontlines of our homeland.

President Obama also said that he viewed their biggest challenge as their mission to help protect against the peril of climate change.


To see more from the past week, watch the latest edition of West Wing Week here.






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