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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House


Saturday, May 30, 2015


Weekly Address: Pass the USA Freedom Act

In this week's address, the President addressed critical pieces of national security business that remained unfinished when the Senate left town.

This Sunday at midnight, key tools used to protect against terrorist threats are set to expire. The USA Freedom Act strikes a balance between security and privacy, reauthorizing important measures that give our national security professionals the authorities they use to keep us safe, while also implementing reforms that enhance the privacy and civil liberties of our citizens. But currently, a small group of senators is standing in its way.

The President asked Americans to speak with one voice to the Senate to put politics aside, put the safety of the American people first, and pass the USA Freedom Act now.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch the President's address here.

  Top Stories

Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

President Obama traveled this Memorial Day to Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate those members of our armed forces who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Keeping with tradition, President Obama laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before making remarks to the audience gathered at the site.

The President speaks at Arlington Cemetery.

"The Americans who rest beneath these beautiful hills, and in sacred ground across our country and around the world -- they are why our nation endures," the President said. "Each simple stone marker, arranged in perfect military precision, signifies the cost of our blessings. It is a debt we can never fully repay."


The First Lady Celebrates the 2015 Graduates of Oberlin College

On Monday, the First Lady gave a commencement address to the Class of 2015 at Oberlin College in Ohio.

Watch the First Lady's remarks here.

Oberlin won the First Lady's Reach Higher initiative's "Near-Peer Mentoring College" Challenge, which encouraged institutes of higher education to share the ways they are helping high school students in their area through videos.


@POTUS Answered Your Questions

On Thursday, President Obama was briefed on the upcoming hurricane season at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida. Immediately after, @POTUS took to Twitter to answer your questions on climate change using #AskPOTUS.

Watch President Obama's commencement address here.

After answering questions from engaged citizens on topics including climate, trade, and basketball, President Obama ended his first-ever Twitter Q&A asking followers how they plan to #ActOnClimate.


To see more from the past week, watch the latest edition of West Wing Week here.






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