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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Six Days, Five Countries, One POTUS

President Obama is on the first leg of his six-day, five-country trip to the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, the Vatican, and Saudi Arabia to mobilize the international community -- and some of our most important partners in the world.

To give you an inside look, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes took a couple minutes to talk about what's happened so far, and preview the remainder of the trip.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the President's trip abroad:

Video player: On the Rhodes 3/25/14 - The G7 and Beyond


  Top Stories

The President Answers Questions About Health Care from the Quora Community

Yesterday, President Obama answered questions on Quora, a leading question-and-answer website, about Affordable Care Act enrollment and how the law affects young people across America.


The First Lady's Travel Journal: Visiting the Xi'an City Wall

On the fifth day of her trip to China, First Lady Michelle Obama and Sasha and Malia traveled to Xi'an to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum and visit the Xi'an City Wall, where the First Lady joined a group of students for some jump rope and hacky sack fun.


Standing Up for LGBT Rights Around the World

Vice President Joe Biden spoke to a packed audience at the Human Rights Campaign Los Angeles gala on Saturday night about America's unwavering commitment to LGBT rights in every corner of the world.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

4:15 AM: The President meets with President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan

4:55 AM: The President arrives the World Forum at The Hague to participate in the Nuclear Security Summit 

5:00 AM: The President attends the leaders-only plenary session  

7:15 AM: The President joins Nuclear Summit leaders for a family photo 

8:00 AM: The President participates in a working lunch with plenary discussion 

9:30 AM: The President attends the third plenary discussion 

10:15 AM: The President attends the closing session

11:00 AM: The President holds a joint press conference with Prime Minister Rutte 

12:00 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates

1:30 PM: The President holds a trilateral meeting with President Park Geun-Hye of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan

1:45 PM: The Vice President and Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez visit a NH Works Center in Nashua, New Hampshire to highlight workforce development and the value of on-the-job trainingLISTEN LIVE

2:40 PM: The President meets and greets with Embassy personnel 

3:35 PM: The President departs The Netherlands en route Brussels, Belgium

4:15 PM: The President arrives Brussels, Belgium



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